
Discuss the benefits of being involved in child educational

Assignment -

Post your response to the discussion question/topic stated below (your initial response) and reply to the initial responses of at least two.

First, please provide brief definitions and examples of the following elementary verbal operants: ECHOIC, MAND, TACT, & INTRAVERBAL (Skinner, 1957). Then describe one or more methods from applied behavior analysis you would use to help a child with a language delay emanating from autism or other developmental disability acquire each of these verbal operants.

Reference - Skinner, B.F. (1957). Verbal behavior. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts.

Posting - Parent Involvement

Discuss the benefits of being involved in child educational programming. Also discuss the obstacles that families may face in the attempt to be involved. Read the following sources to guide your background knowledge.

Odom, Horner, Snell, and Blacher, Handbook of Developmental Disabilities, Chapter 28.

Spann, S.J., Kohler, F.W., & Soenksen, D. (2003). Examining parents' involvement in and perceptions of special education services: An interview with families in a parent support group. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 18, 228-237.

Posting - Parent emotional support

Describe the differences in services that you can provide for parents with a child diagnosed with a developmental disability. What kinds of recommendations can you suggest for the parents? Compare and contract the different views/issues of mothers and fathers as well as the differences in regards to the age of the child with a disability. Consider the possible implications having a child with a disability may have on parent relations an/or marriage. Lastly, discuss the possibility of parents and their identification with having a child with a disability and the impact this may have on their well being (Does this define them? Have they lost their own identity?) Please read the following articles for background knowledge:

Hastings, R.P., Kovshoff, H., Brown, T., Wards, N.J., Espinosa, F.D., & Remington, B. (2005). Coping strategies in mothers and fathers of preschool and school-age children with autism. Autism, 9, 377-391.

White, N., & Hastings, R.P. (2004). Social and professional support for parents of adolescents with severe intellectual disabilities. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 17, 181-190.

Posting - As families go through raising a child, adolescent, and then having and adult in the family with a developmental disability; they encounter challenges and moments so rewarding we struggle to capture them with words. In this last discussion, I challenge you to share what you believe will be your biggest challenge in working with families and what may be your biggest reward (and why). You do not have to reply to another's posting... but we should read each others thoughts and experiences.

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Dissertation: Discuss the benefits of being involved in child educational
Reference No:- TGS02703038

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