Read the attachments which conclude Chapter 5 (Planning and Decision Making), Chapter 6 (Organizational Strategy), and Chapter 11 (Managing Human Resource System).
Note*: It will be better to read if you have the book: MGMT, by Chuck Williams, publisher Thomson Higher Education, 2010 edition.
5-1. Discuss the benefits and pitfalls of planning.
5-2. Describe how to make a plan that works.
5-3. Discuss how companies can use plans at all management levels, from top to bottom.
5-4. Explain the steps and limits to rational decision making.
5-5. Explain how group decisions and group decision-making techniques can improve decision making.
6-1. Specify the components of sustainable competitive advantage, and explain why it is important.
6-2. Describe the steps involved in the strategy-making process.
6-3. Explain the different kinds of corporate-level strategies.
6-4. Describe the different kinds of industry-level strategies.
6-5. Explain the components and kinds of firm-level strategies.
11-1. Explain how different employment laws affect human practice.
11-2. Explain how companies use recruiting to find qualified job applicants.
11-3. Describe the selection techniques and procedures that companies use when deciding which applicants should receive job offers.
11-4. Describe how to determine training needs and select the appropriate training methods.
11-5. Discuss how to use performance appraisal to give meaningful performance feedback.
11-6. Describe basic compensation strategies and discuss the four kinds of employee separations.