Discuss the basics of Stock Transactions and Dividends. Why is increasing shareholder value such an important management activity? Prove your answer by referencing a business publication (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, etc.) article in support of your answer.
. Discuss the basics of Long-Term Liabilities: Bonds and Notes. What are the positive impacts and the negative impacts of Long-Term Liabilities? Support your answer with a business publication article (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, etc.).
. Why is the management of these Long-Term Liabilitiessuch an important activity? Prove your answer with abusiness publication article (Wall Street Journal, Forbes, etc.).
. Discuss the basics of the Statement of Cash Flows. Select a company and perform a quick analysis and discuss implications. Research the internet to support your discussion.
. Discussion Forum: Students are expected to actively participate in the in the forum discussion. A minimum of 3 substantive participation posts (minimum 250 words) required to earn full participation points.
Guidelines for student forum discussion/participation:
*Select a fellow student's response and compare and contrast your thoughts with theirs;
*Advance the conversation; provide a real-world application and experiential examples;
*Conceptually discuss your key [most significant] learning insight or take-away from the selected forum topic comments.
*Responses should be a minimum of 250 words, supported by at least one reference, either supporting or refuting your position.