Assignment Task:
It should be 7-9 pages.
Theory Conceptualization and Integration Paper This help you begin the process of choosing a theoretical orientation and applying theory to a client's presenting problem, while grounding your thesis in relevant empirical literature. You will choose a character from a movie that you believe would benefit from therapy as a basis for your "client".
In this paper, you are to choose a theory (or theories if a reasonable connection can be made) that resonates most with you and apply it to the case of your choosing. You may choose a theory you have previously identified, as this assignment will require that you analyze the tenets of this theory more deeply. You will analyze and conceptualize the provided case vignette by applying the concepts and basic tenets from the theory of your choice. This paper should be clearly organized (headings are strongly encouraged; see APA manual) and supported with scholarly references (beyond the textbook and assigned readings). While occasional direct quotes are allowable, it is expected that the paper summarize material from original sources (with appropriate citations).
You must use a minimum of four outside sources beyond the course text. These must be professional references, peer-reviewed journals, or, in some cases, information from professional organizations/websites. Professional organization/website information will only be admissible for theories or interventions that are significantly new (e.g., Cognitive Processing Theory). The paper should be 7-9 pages in length (not including title page, abstract or reference pages). Deductions are made for each page over the 9-page limit. This paper will be written in APA style (please refer to the APA manual).
Below are several questions and statements to guide you through this final assignment.
- Discuss the basic tenets of you chosen theory. How/why does it resonate with you (e.g., worldview, cultural identities, etc.)? This is the only portion of the paper in first person.
- Identify the client's problem from the perspective of clinician working from your theory and discuss how the clinician views the client's problem. Determine what is contributing to the client's presenting concern and provide examples from the case study.
- Discuss what needs to change from the perspective of a clinician working from your theory. Do not talk about what you would "DO". Talk about how the "thinks" (i.e. conceptualizes the client).
- Be certain to address the multicultural background of the client with the application of the theory.
- Evidence-based application of the theory to the presenting problem (or lack thereof) when applying this theory. Demonstrate critical thinking and reasoning skills to support your clinical decisions and conclusions based on current literature. Please remember that you need to include at least FOUR (4) peer-reviewed sources.
- How will you apply this theory? Or what would you do if this is your theoretical orientation and research does not support for the client's presenting problem. Support your choices; don't just state them.
- Identify two (2) treatment interventions specific to your theory to facilitate the goal of the theory(ies) and its anticipated consequence(s) (e.g., "According to this theory, I would utilize free association to help develop awareness around unconscious desires," or "I would engage in Socratic questioning to help develop cognitive flexibility").