1. Discuss the basic elements of a professional code of ethics. Compare these elements to the code of ethics for your employer or current profession. What elements would you add, and why? (If you do not currently have an employer, research a code for the profession or employer you wish to have. If your current employer/profession does not have a code of ethics, research one for a similar field or employer.)
2. Discuss your thoughts on the concept of corporate environmental responsibility. What should businesses be expected to do to minimize damage to public health and the environment? Do you think businesses can be trusted to be good public citizens, or is a command and control based regulatory approach necessary?
3. How did the Nazi medical experiments and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study influence the ethics of human and animal studies? Read "The Nuremburg Code" on page 302 of the textbook. Discuss your thoughts on the elements of the code. Is it complete, or are there other aspects of the ethics of human testing that should be included?