Discuss the balance between do no harm and duty to treat


With graduation on the near horizon, Jamal is excited about completing his psychology degree. He is anticipating a highlight of his academic journey; the Psychology Department has asked Jamal and a few of his peers to engage in a panel presentation that will spotlight their knowledge on a topic relevant to abnormal psychology. Jamal is honored to have been asked to participate in the presentation and hopes to use this opportunity to add some valuable artifacts to his career ePortfolio.

As Jamal prepares the content of his presentation, he considers the role of research and practice in mental health. Likewise, Jamal considers the various biomedical and psychological approaches to treating psychological disorders, including the ethical factors that impact treatment. In addition, he considers the ways in which social support can promote education and awareness about psychological disorders. Lastly, Jamal considers the many ways in which we can enhance compassion and empathy for people who struggle with psychological disorders and perhaps help to humanize (and normalize) aspects of abnormal behavior.

For this project, you will be presenting along with Jamal and must create a presentation that includes speaker notes. Your Module Five Milestone, along with your reading homework, will support you in developing your speaker notes.

Textbook: Abnormal Psychology, "DSM-5 Quick Guide" begins on p. XV: This resource outlines the various psychological topics that you have encountered in this course.


Select a psychological disorder that you've examined in this course and that interests you. You may use Google Slides or PowerPoint to complete your presentation and speaker notes. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate and address the rubric criteria listed below in your slides. Include 50 to 100 words to describe each slide (excluding transition slides) in the speaker notes. Remember to access the Shapiro Library FAQ resource linked in Supporting Materials for guidelines to making an effective PowerPoint presentation.

• Introduction

1. Introduce a psychological disorder that is of interest to you.

a. Discuss the biological, psychological, and/or social relevance of examining this disorder.

b. Provide a brief overview of the clinical attributes of this disorder (e.g., diagnostic features, prevalence rates, biopsychosocial impacts).

2. Provide a brief overview of the points that you will address in your presentation. Consider using the belowfollowing subject headings to structure your presentation. Get your audience excited about your topic!

3. As suggested in the Shapiro Library FAQ resource linked in Supporting Materials, use the following tips in creating your presentation:

a. Plan ahead
b. Be consistent
c. Keep it simple
d. Keep it short
e. Complement your content

• Part I: Biopsychosocial Considerations

1. Discuss the biological (e.g., neuroanatomical, neuroendocrine) correlates of the disorder.

2. Discuss the psychological (e.g., cognitive, affective) correlates of the disorder.

3. Discuss the social (e.g., interpersonal) correlates of the disorder.

4. Explain the implications of cultural variation on the assessment of the disorder.

5. Explain the implications of cultural variation on the treatment of the disorder.

6. Discuss the role of the community in promoting access to treatment for the disorder.

• Part II: Diagnostic/Evaluative Considerations

1. Explain the strengths and limitations of the clinical assessments designed to evaluate the disorder.

2. Discuss challenges related to reliability and validity in the assessment of the disorder.

3. Explain the concept of diagnosis by exclusion, using the selected disorder as an example.

4. Articulate how assessments contribute to diagnosis by exclusion.

5. Explain the relationship between the publication process of the DSM, the contribution of research in mental health, and the practice of clinicians.

• Part III: Therapeutic Considerations

1. Explain the strengths and limitations of various therapeutic approaches designed to treat the disorder.

2. Discuss the relevance of non-pharmacological (e.g., complementary/alternative) approaches in the treatment of the disorder.

3. Discuss the balance between "do no harm" and duty to treat.

• Conclusion

1. Summarize the most relevant takeaways of your presentation.

a. Discuss the attributes of the disorder (e.g., biopsychosocial, diagnostic, therapeutic) that you want your audience to remember most.

b. In what ways does the information you've shared enhance what we know about the disorder?

c. In what ways does the content that you've shared contribute to our biological, psychological, and/or social well-being?

Format your homework according to the give formatting requirements:

1. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

2. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

3. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Discuss the balance between do no harm and duty to treat
Reference No:- TGS03200745

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