Discuss the authority or background of the author

Homework: Group Residency Project

For this project, you will be divided up into groups. These groups will be assigned for you on Moodle.

This project will be turned in as a group. A portion of this homework will be an individual grade and a portion will be a group grade.

Very Important: There is a Discussion forum created in Moodle for purposes of the group to communicate. This forum is divided by group so that only the members of the group and Dr. Fullerton can see the interaction. This forum will be used by Dr. Fullerton to review and verify any details regarding students not participating in this project!

Step A:

Using the topic list provided on Moodle, each group should choose a topic. Upload this topic to the homework by the time/date assigned above.

This email should contain the group name (such as Group R), the group members who are participating, and the topic chosen.

Once settled on a topic, each group member will be responsible for finding five peer reviewed articles about this topic.

The group should be communicating during this process so that students are not using the same articles. Each student must have five unique articles.

The Process for completing this portion of the homework

1) First, locate articles related to the subject chosen. ONLY Academic, peer reviewed, articles that are in Economics OR a related field are eligible for credit!

2) Each student, individually, should complete the list below for each articlein order to begin compiling the information for the final group project.

3) Cite the article using the APA style.

4) Write a concise summary - in your own words, no copying - of no less than 150 words for each assigned article that complies with the following:

a) the authority or background of the author, including why we should trust the source of the material,
b) summarize the information presented.
c) Possible shortcomings or biases of the work.
d) Remember that these articles have been peer reviewed by others in the field.

Step B: Compiling the group work (this includes Section 1 and Section 2 below)

After each student completes their individual portion, these will need to be sent to the leader so that they can be compiled.

See the required structure for the final document which is explained at the end of these instructions.

Step C: Each group will discuss via zoom or some other method, their individual research. After that, the group (as a whole) should complete the portions of the homework labeledSection 3 and Section 4 below.

Final Step:

Group leader will upload a .docx file to the final report homework in Moodle. This document should explain the followingl:

1) The quality of the work presented to them by the other group.
2) The names of any group members in either group who did not participate throughout the weekend and details regarding this.
3) Anything that they would change in this project.

Structure of the final submitted project:

1) Section 1/Topic page - Student names who are involved in the group. The subject being researched.

2) Section 2 (Label this Section 2): This section of the project will contain the five articles and summaries that each student has completed.

Organized as such:

a) Student 1 whose last name is the first in alphabetical order. (include the student name)

o List the Reference information for all 5 of that student's articles
o Next: Re-list the Reference information of article 1 followed by the summary. (This will be similar to an annotated bibliography)
o Next: Re-list the Reference information of article 2 followed by the summary.
o Do this for the remaining 3 articles from this student.

b) Student 2 whose last name is the second in alphabetical order.

o List the Reference information for all 5 of that student's articles
o Next: Re-list the Reference information of article 1 followed by the summary
o Next: Re-list the Reference information of article 2 followed by the summary.
o Do this for the remaining 3 articles from this student.

c) Continue this for the remaining group members.

3) Section 3 (Label this Section 3): As a group, answer the following questions. List the question and then provide an answer in paragraph form. Each answer should be no less than 250 words.

a) Explain three areas where (most of) your research agrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a total minimum of 750 words)

b) Explain three areas where (most of) your research disagrees (each answer should be no less than 250 words for a total minimum of 750 words).

c) Explain one thing that was most surprising to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than 250 words.

d) Explain the one thing that was most interesting to most of the group members and why. This should be no less than 250 words.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

(1) The answer should be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

(2) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

(3) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Project Management: Discuss the authority or background of the author
Reference No:- TGS03169238

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