
Discuss the astronomers contribution to field of astronomy


Astronomical Biographies (Exploration of the Solar System).

Work to understand some of the people connected to the astronomical objects, events, and theories you may have studied in your Astronomy lab. Pick three astronomers to research (from Astronomer Example). For this works, you won't need to c r e a t e a bibliography, but you should make sure to use multiple, reputable sources. Continuing to focus on careful use of scientific language and communication as you have done in lab, for each of your three astronomers, "w r i t e a paragraph on each of the following three areas" (nine paragraphs in total, three for each astronomer):

Astronomer Example from:

Aristotle, Tycho Brahe, Giovanni Cassini, Nicholas Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Edmund Halley, Margaret Hamilton, Caroline Herschel, William Herschel, Christiaan Huygens, Hypatia of Alexandria, Katherine Johnson, Johannes Kepler, Percival Lowell, Maria Mitchell, Isaac Newton, Claudius Ptolemy, Carl Sagan, Carolyn Shoemaker, Eugene Shoemaker, Clyde Tombaugh, James Van Allen


a) Discuss the astronomer's contribution to the field of Astronomy. What were their areas of research? What techniques did they use, and what were their notable discoveries? To what extent were they recognized for their work?

b) What was the nature of the astronomer's education and upbringing? Are there any influences in their lives (school, benefactors, religion, experiences) that may have influenced their research and conclusions?

c) Discuss any connections the astronomer had to any other individuals connected to Astronomy (mentors, family, colleagues), especially others included in the list of names provided. How did these collaborations impact the astronomer's research?

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Science: Discuss the astronomers contribution to field of astronomy
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