
Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the grand

Paper 1

In the Module 3 Case, we will be using tools that were discussed in the Background materials section to determine the best grand strategy for a well-known company. To begin the Module 3 Case, read the following article concerning Barnes & Noble's strategic direction:

Hall, W., & Gupta, A. (2010). Barnes & Noble, Inc.: Maintaining a competitive edge in an ever-changing industry. Journal of Business Case Studies, 6(4), 9-22. Retrieved from ProQuest.

Case Assignment

Using the article above and the readings provided on the Background page of Module 3, write a 6- to 7-page paper in which you do the following:

Apply the BCG Matrix and the Grand Strategy Matrix to decide the optimal grand strategy - or grand strategies - that Barnes and Noble should follow.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that are to be covered in your 6- to 7-page paper include the following:

• After completing research in the library, apply the Grand Strategy Matrix to determine what you believe should be the optimal grand strategy (or blend of grand strategies) that should be pursued by Barnes and Noble.

• Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the Grand Strategy Matrix (i.e., rapid vs. slow growth; strong vs. weak competitive position).

• Next, apply the BCG Matrix to Barnes and Noble's core strategic choices (i.e., the company's use of brick-and-mortar stores versus Internet business).

• Compare the results from the BCG Matrix and the Grand Strategy Matrix: Does your use of the BCG Matrix support or refute your choice of grand strategy (or strategies) as selected by the Grand Strategy Matrix? Discuss.

• Which grand strategy should Barnes and Noble follow? Why? Defend your answer.

• Be sure to use a minimum of three library sources in support of your answers.

Paper 2

In the Module 3 SLP, you will evaluate the efficacy of your chosen organization's strategy or strategies.

In a 3- to 4-page paper, determine the grand strategy or strategies currently pursued by the organization you have selected. After you have applied the Grand Strategy Matrix to an organization, determine whether the strategy your company now follows is the most optimal one.

Keys to the Assignment

The key aspects of this assignment that should be covered in your 3- to 4-page paper include the following:

• Visit your chosen organization's website, and using the company's Annual Report and/or other additional research, determine the organization's strategy or strategies. For example, is the company presently pursuing a Concentration strategy? An Innovation strategy? Is the company in Retrenchment?

• Applying the Grand Strategy Matrix (GSM) to your organization, discuss the assumptions you are using to determine the optimal strategy your organization should pursue.

• Decide whether the organization is pursuing the best strategy (or strategies). If not, what grand strategy or strategies should the organization pursue at present? Defend your answer.

Paper 3

Exploring Options


The purpose of the Case Assignment is to create a "Live Case" by experiencing the process of coaching. Because this case is designed around experiential learning, we can go beyond the conceptual knowledge covered in the reading materials to actual skills building. This requires putting what you are learning into immediate practice.

In this third module, you will be working with your coachee to explore options based on the coachee's assessment of goals and current reality (as determined in Case 2). The objective of this session is to get your coachee to commit to specific actions. Drawing on the background reading for this and the previous modules, you will plan and carry out a coaching session that involves stage O of the GROW model.

There is a comprehensive explanation of the GROW model on the background page for Module 2. Here is a shorter synopsis:

The GROW model: A simple process for coaching and mentoring. (2014). Mind Tools.

The structure of the Live Case (As a reminder, each case involves three separate activities.)

Each module will follow this cycle: Plan, execute, report.

• Before the coaching session, write up a plan using course readings or additional research as a resource (1-2 pages).
• Then meet with the coachee, and use your plan as a guide for the session.
• The bulk of the report is on how it went, including successes and failures. What would you do differently next time? (3 to 5 pages).




What are your goals for the session?
What actions do you plan?
How will you know if you are successful?
(1-2 pages)

Meet with coachee (45-50 minutes).

Report on the session.
Provide a narrative descriptive summary of the conversation as it occurred (1 or 2 paragraphs).
How do you feel the session went?
Analyze the process and outcomes of your coaching.
What new knowledge did you gain?
What would you do differently next time?

Case Assignment

Assignment instructions

This phase of the coaching process requires brainstorming. Think you know everything there is to know about brainstorming? Too often, we overlook some essential basics about processes we think we know well. Take a few minutes to refresh your understanding of the "rules" of effective brainstorming in this article from the Trident Library:

Van Valin, S. (2014). Brainstorming. Leadership Excellence, 31(2), 20-21. Retrieved from ProQuest.

• Brainstorm as many options as possible that will help your coachee achieve his or her goal.

• Discuss the options and select the best ones.

• You may offer your suggestions, but let your coachee do most of the work of generating and evaluating the options. Remember that the objective is to get the coachee to commit to action, and this means that the coachee must feel "ownership" of the plan.

• Write up this meeting as indicated in the Keys to the Assignment below.

• Turn in your 4- to 6-page paper to the appropriate dropbox by the due date.

Keys to the Assignment

• After reading the background materials for this module and doing additional research if needed, prepare your pre-coaching plan for a 45-50 minute session:

• What are your goals for this session? How will you know if you are successful?

• What skills will you use?

• How will you go about doing this?

• What questions will you ask?

• Conduct your coaching session (45 to 50 minutes). Remember the ultimate goal of the session is to come up with a plan to which the coachee commits.

• Write up your post-coaching reflection.

o Report the facts of the coaching session; summarize the plan.
o What went well and what did not?
o What did you learn about coaching from this session?
o What would you do differently next time?

Paper 4

Setting Personal Leadership Goals

In Module 1, you began the process of developing a Leadership Growth Plan (LGP) with a thorough self-assessment. In Module 2, you established your vision, identified obstacles to achieving that vision, and made plans to overcome the obstacles. In this module, you will continue to develop your LGP by setting goals and conducting an assessment of resources you will need to accomplish your goals. The outcome of this exercise is a 2- to 3-page plan that specifies 3 to 4 goals you would like to accomplish in the next year and sets clear objectives for what you will need to do to achieve them.

Keys to the Assignment

Perhaps the hardest part of setting goals is getting started. Begin by considering the following:

1. Ask yourself: "What do I need to be doing in order to achieve my vision?" Think in terms of what you can accomplish by next year. These are the milestones that describe your goals. They define what you intend to do.

2. Next, look at each goal separately and ask yourself:

o "What do I need to do to reach this goal?"
o "What skills do I need to acquire?"
o "What new knowledge do I need?"

The answers to these three questions constitute your objectives.

Objectives are shorter term than goals and specify what you need, when you need it, and how you are going to get it. While goal statements are helpful in that they set a direction, objectives provide the "roadmap" that will get you to your vision. Objectives tell you exactly what you need to do, how you need to do it, and provide a timeline.

Strong objectives meet the following criteria:

• They are specific. When you write your objectives, use action words that have a tangible outcome such as identify, demonstrate, perform, or calculate. You will be able to assess when you have met these types of objectives. Avoid words like understand, appreciate, know, or learn. These terms are too vague. How will you be able to assess whether or not you "understand"?

• They are challenging. Difficult, but attainable objectives will help you cultivate a greater leadership capacity. If an objective is too easy, you will not grow. If it is too difficult, you may end up frustrated and the goal will be unfulfilled.

Your goals and objectives form the outline of your development plan. To flesh it out, determine what actions are required to meet your objectives. These actions usually make up the greater part of the leadership development plan itself.

Putting it all together and writing up the plan

• Fortunately, there are a lot of templates on the internet to help you create an action plan. Begin by doing some research and select a template that will allow you to present your goals, objectives, and timeline. You will also need to identify the resources you will need. Most of these templates are some type of table, and it is easy to follow what will need to be done, by when.

• The critical component of this assignment is to be specific about what actions you will take to gather the resources you will need to meet your goals. The following list gives a number of specific actions you can include in your plan, but you should not stop with these. Use your own initiative and creativity to come up with additional formal, informal, directed, and self-directed actions you can take to meet your Leadership Growth Plan.

o Reading - This is the basic and most fundamental way to stay current in your area of expertise, gain new knowledge, and be inspired. Your plan should include regular reading of professional journals, trade publications, books, and reputable online resources.

o Training programs and courses - Formal courses and training seminars can be effective and efficient ways of learning new skills and expanding your leadership capacities. Many companies offer such training opportunities, but also check independent or consulting firms in specific areas such as motivation, performance appraisal, cross-cultural communication, or mentoring. Check out the internet, but also local colleges and Universities. Certificates can offer cost and time-effective ways to home in on developing specific skills such as human resources or project management.

o On the job - even if your current position does not involve leadership responsibilities, you can look for ways to learn leadership through practical experience by mentoring a younger or newer employee, chair a task force, prepare a presentation, or simply work to develop your active listening skills on a daily basis.

o Volunteering - Join a civic group, charity, board of a non-profit, political campaign, fundraising effort, or other community service. Be the first to offer to take on a new project or supervise other volunteers. Represent the group on radio, TV, or press as the spokesperson.

o Find a mentor - identify someone who has what you want and ask if they will show you the ropes. Let her know that you want to develop specific skills, such as public speaking or organizing events and would be interested in being a helping hand to learn these skills. Ask for feedback from supervisors and let them know you would welcome leadership opportunities.

o Journaling - often overlooked, a habit of writing about problems, learnings, obstacles encountered and overcome, and even hopes and dreams of the future can help set direction and increase motivation. A journal can document what you are learning and how it can apply to your leadership development.

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Business Management: Discuss the assumptions you have made in applying the grand
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