
Discuss the associations observed suggest


A student takes a standardized test in January 2017 and receives a score of 94 of 100. The same student takes the same standardized test in January 2018 and again receives a score of 94 of 100. The similar score at the two test administration points suggests what about the reliability of the test?

A researcher is interested in creating a tool to assess self-care capacity among war veterans. She recruits a group of researchers with expertise in veteran health and mental health to review her tool and determine whether she is capturing the construct of self-care appropriately. In doing so, she is assessing what type of validity?

Read the three scenarios presented below. Discuss whether the associations observed suggest that there is a causal relationship between these variables. Explain your answers.

Researcher A finds an association between the consumption of peanut butter and number of fatal accidents in the state of Massachusetts. He concludes that eating peanut butter causes fatal accidents.

Researcher B finds an association between ice cream eating and sunburns. She concludes that eating ice cream causes people to have more sunburns.

Researcher C is studying the effects of school lunches on student body mass index. School A notices a decrease in studying body mass index in January 2017. In this same month, School A made dramatic changes to their school lunch program, offering more healthy options. Researcher C concludes that changes in the school lunch program in January 2017 caused changes in student body mass index in January 2017.

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Other Subject: Discuss the associations observed suggest
Reference No:- TGS03250002

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