Discuss the applications of thermodynamics in field of energy technology
Sol: Thermodynamics has wide applications as basis of thermal engineering. Nearly all process and engineering industries, agriculture, commercial, transport, and domestic activities use thermal engineering. However energy technology and power sector are totally dependent on laws of thermodynamics.
For example:
(a) Central thermal power plants, captive power plants which are based on coal.
(b) Nuclear power plants.
(c) Gas turbine power plants.
(d) Engines for automobiles, ships, airways, spacecrafts.
(e) Direct energy conversion devices such as Fuel cells, thermoionic, thermoelectric engines.
(f) Air conditioning, cooling, heating, ventilation plants.
(g) Domestic, commercial and industrial lighting. (h) Agricultural, transport and industrial machines.
All above engines and power consuming plants can be designed by using laws of thermodynamics.