
Discuss the amendments in the us constitution


Create a 250 to 300 word response (use your word processor to count the number of words and include that at the end of your post).

Answer the following question.

1.  Read the Texas Bill of Rights from Article I of the Texas Constitution (https://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/Docs/CN/htm/CN.1.htm). Pick any of the sections from the Texas Bill of Rights What is the right that is mentioned? What does it mean (in your own words)? Find a Supreme Court case (US or Texas) dealing with the issue brought up by the right you are mentioning. What were the facts of the case? What right did the person claim they had? What was the court's decision? And finally, do you agree with the outcome of the case and why? Be sure to include a link to the case you chose.

2. Find an Op-Ed that discusses any law enacted by the Texas Legislature in the last six years. Find an interesting, controversial law that generated a good deal of discussion. Especially look for law that could affect your life or the lives of those you know. Read the Op-Ed. What does the law call for - what will be its effect? What is the argument made by the author of the Op-Ed - is it for or against the law. What arguments on the other side do you think could be made. What do you think of the law - make sure you make arguments and cite evidence to support your position.

3. There are four amendments in the US Constitution (15, 19, 24, 26) that deal with voting rights as well at the landmark legislation - the Voting Rights Act. Find a US Supreme Court case dealing with voting rights and read the decision. What was the issue in the case and what was the court's ruling? Do you agree or disagree? Why? Be sure you provide a link to the case.

4. Discuss the recent public policy decisions made in Texas with respect to abortion. Find at least one Op-Ed on the issue and explain and assess the author's arguments. Be sure to consider HB 2 in your post as well as the Supreme Court decision Whole Women's Health v. Hellerstedt. What do you think are reasonable regulations with respect to abortion that the State of Texas should enact or has enacted? Why? What are some unreasonable regulations that Texas has enacted? Why are they unreasonable?

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Other Subject: Discuss the amendments in the us constitution
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