
Discuss the accounting treatment of encumbrances

Prepare a budgetary comparison statement for the General Fund of Murphy County for the 20X8 fiscal year. The statement should present revenues (by source category), expenditures and encumbrances (by function), and the excess of revenues over (under) expenditures and encumbrances. Use these column headings: Original Budget, Revised Budget, Actual, Variance - Favorable (Unfavorable) Assume that no encumbrances were outstanding at the beginning of 20X8.

Because encumbrances do not constitute expenditures, some governmental fund budgetary comparison statements omit data on encumbrances. If no encumbrances were outstanding at the beginning of 20X8, what effects would omission of encumbrances data have on Murphy County General Fund budgetary comparison statement for the 20X8 fiscal year?

In what circumstances would including or excluding encumbrances data mislead users of a governmental fund budgetary comparison statement?

Discuss the accounting treatment of encumbrances under the modified accrual (GAAP) basis verses the cash basis of governmental fund accounting.

Discuss why GASB requires governments to include both original and revised budget data in the budgetary comparison statement.

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Risk Management: Discuss the accounting treatment of encumbrances
Reference No:- TGS094710

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