
Discuss the accomplishments education and family life about

Topic Your paper should be a critical thinking paper. Don't just inform your audience of something. Remember choose a topic and relate it to today.

For example, in light of women in Egyptian society, don't give an overview but consider why women were often considered equals during this time but eventually lost that right in other cultures.

Go beyond the topic. If you choose a person, focus on their achievements, such as their literary, religious, scientific achievements, etc. don't give a biography. If you focus on an artist, focus on one or two works of art.

Remember your topic must be from the Prehistory to the Renaissance. Organization Organize your paper so that it is possible to follow your argument. The thesis will have supporting arguments, each taking a paragraph.

Topic sentences (sentences which introduce the argument of each paragraph) are very useful to the reader because they explain what to look for in the evidence that will be cited in each paragraph. If you are unsure follow the PIE to develop your paragraphs.

P (point) This is your topic sentence. Ask yourself what is my point?

I (illustration) This is your "expert" supporting your topic sentence. This is your outside source, your statistics, paraphrased material, direct quotes, or summaries.

E (explanation) Don't end your paragraph with your outside sources.

Your reader is more interested in your argument, not your outside sources. Evidence Evidence should be properly cited and properly used.

Proper citation is easy: give author's last name and page numbers where possible (Smith 3) and otherwise, internet sources, should be cited properly using the latest version of MLA.

Refer to a handbook or the library has a handout available online. You need to cite evidence to support all major points. Avoid plot summary. Typing and Presentation Paper must be typed, double-spaced, on standard 8 ½" x 11" paper.

Use 1 inch margins all round. Use 12 point type. Staple the paper in the top left hand corner. Do not use plastic covers or binders. If you use internet sources, you must turn in all of the sources with your paper.

Your paper must be 5-7 pages in length. You can use your textbook as a source but you must also have four secondary sources. Do not get all of your sources off of the Internet.

Consider other sources such as film, books, journals, etc. Text should be double spaced. Long quotations should be indented 1 inch from the left hand margin. Leave two spaces after a period. The paper should be written in paragraphs. The first line of each paragraph should be indented five spaces (one standard tab).

Research paper: discuss the accomplishments, education, and family life about the following women in the renaissance era: Catherine de' Medici, Isabella d' Esta, Laura Cereta, and Lucretia Marinella.

Paper need to be at least 5-7 pages not including the reference page

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History: Discuss the accomplishments education and family life about
Reference No:- TGS02867084

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