Discuss the about this style of singing and instrumental

1. Why did the Marquis Wen (p. 253) more than two thousand years ago find ancient music boring, and what has changed in our listening attitudes since then? If you attempt to relate it to church music, classical music or jazz music you must defend your answer by naming works from that genre. This also has something to do with a person's defaults.

You can find an opinion to question #1 but copying or paraphrasing will not count.

2. Write a review of songs covered in the audio tape, China, analysis and lecture and songs. Begin the audio lecture at counter number 2:34. You MUST use counter numbers when discussing the material.

3. Yundao Ge or Weeding Song may have some musical similarities to Fang Ma Shan Ge (Releasing the horse into Pasture. Think tempo, meter ,( is it 3 beat or two beat) , do both sound in pentatonic scale or is either in major or minor, what is the texture, what are "cadences like? Can you hear a returning or recurring phrase in either?

4. CD 2:14 Third Wife Teaches Her Son- two lines Please listen to the work, use the audio, China, analysis and lecture plus the text book as reference. Discuss the about this style of singing and instrumental accompaniment. I'm not interested in your likes or dislikes. It's a serious art form in China.

5. Three short opera selections are provided below. Compare each one separately to "Third Wife Teaches Her Son". Compare use of orchestration (instruments), tempo, texture, scale if possible, form, emotional content, and harmony

Offenbach's, Barcarolle (Lyrics provided on separate sheet in unit 3.

From Puccini's. Tosca: "E lucevan le stelle"

Berg's Wozzeck: Start at counter number 157: Subtitles provided.

6. of the three non-Chinese pieces, which one might be closest in the way the voice expresses the "melody"? Why?

7. don't forget to comment on a class members post. Please address the class member by name.

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Dissertation: Discuss the about this style of singing and instrumental
Reference No:- TGS02913049

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