
Discuss the 8-steps process for leading changes

Healthcare Leadership and Management

1. There are changes made constantly in healthcare, and the one big change that has been very broad in the emergency room is shorter waiting time and making it easier for patients to be seen faster by using nurse practioners for the patients that are not critical and doctors for critical and serious situations. Improving on healthcare has always been a big issue and trying to make it better so that patients care is always first and making sure they are provided the best care possible and affordable care for all patients.
With the 8 steps that were outlined by Dr. Kotter, organization are trying avoid failure and become adept at change. They try to improve their ability to change, and organizations can increasse their changes of services for in the future and the present. Organizations can not thrive without the ability to adapt continuously to change so that they can better serve patients in the organization by using these 8 steps of the Kotter Steps of change.
The 8-Steps Process for Leading Changes (2016)

2. Dr. John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership at the Harvard Business School, is the founder of Kotter’s 8-Step Process for Leading Change. His method to transform and lead change is an organized and efficient approach to a fruitful and supportable way to achieve change. The most common errors found were the lack of supportive coalition, underestimating obstacles, and the unclear understanding of the vision.
In today’s rapidly changing world, the sense of urgency to design and implement change is imperative to success in the world of business. (Berg & Pietersma, 2015). Change is essential throughout all type of businesses despite size, type, and age. Global manufacturing companies are changing their organizational culture and become more success by hiring change managers to develop, train and create strategic workshops for leadership teams, management development, and workforce training. These changes are tailored to specific needs.
How to identify when change is necessary? Businesses need to take into consideration decrease sales figures, unsatisfied customer surveys, poor behaviors, and attitudes towards the organization and other negative factors. Preparing the organization for any change, it’s the most difficult stage. By building a strong motivation to find the balance, the company is addressing the crisis and establishing what needs to be done, (MindTools Editorial Team, 1996-2016).
When change is created, and the sustaining results are very little, it might be due to fatigue. People feel pressured to make to many changes at once. Probably the obstacles were not taking in consideration and were poorly thought through, or they were executed too fast without sufficient preparation.
“Successful business people consider that the organization’s culture is critical to the success of change management, (Alpern, 2014).” The main reason that businesses failed to change was that culture transformation was not considered during the designing process.

Alpern, D. A. (2014, June 6). 10 Principles of Leading Change Management. (C. Booth, Producer) Retrieved from Strategy+business.
Berg, G. v., & Pietersma, P. (2015). 25 Need-To-Know Management Models (Safari ed.). (ProQuest, Ed.) FT Publishing International.
MindTools Editorial Team. (1996-2016). Lewin's change Management Model. Understanding the Three Stages of Change. (M. T. Ltd., Editor) Retrieved from MindTools: www.mindtools.com

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