
Discuss substitution without addressing complement jose

However, we have to pay special attention to our topic. We have to Reflect on why some products become substitutes and why some are complements.

Example: hamburger, hamburger buns, and ketchup are complements.

If you always buy big macs at one price but the price rises you might buy a double quarter pounder as a substitute for the big mac.

For this reason, Ephraim and Jonathan will address substitution between a big mac and a quarter pounder.

While Jose and María will address the complements of both hamburgers.

The assignment seems simple enough, we have to make this work and make it look professional, as we always do. We would each have to write about 150 to 200.

Discuss substitution without addressing complement. Jose and María address Complement addressing Substitution without.

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Reference No:- TGS01009734

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