
Discuss structures responsible for maintenance of rotational


Anatomy of the Ear - PowerPoint

15 PowerPoint slides consisting of mostly pictures

1. Discuss the anatomy/physiology of the ear (in speaker notes)

2. Discuss the structures responsible for maintenance of rotational and gravitational equilibrium (in speaker notes)

Required Readings

Ebrary bookshelf (folder): https://site.ebrary.com/lib/tourou/viewFolder.action?sharedKey=DKSFJONSEEDWBRRYAZOBDBDMKFLLPYHR&userName=trmurray

Bobick, J and Balaban, N. "Sensory System," and "Endocrine System" Handy Anatomy Answer Book. Visible Ink Press. MI, USA. 2008. eISBN: 9781578592326

Brooks, Arthur. "Endocrine System." Systems of Our Body. Global Media. Delhi, India. 2007. eISBN: 9788189940829

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Biology: Discuss structures responsible for maintenance of rotational
Reference No:- TGS01913832

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