Discuss-structural entity in the social-cultural system

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You touched on an critical question of do we perhaps as a society need and flourish because of organized crime? Would we truly fail without it?

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According to the law, a social institution can be defined as a primary structural entity in the social-cultural system which attend to the basic need of a system. Institutions comprise of fixed modes of the behavior which is backed by powerful sanctions and norms which tend to be adhered to by numerous members of the society. It is a group of people who have organized arrangement with the aim of achieving the goal which is to gain power and make money. A critical point for comprehending organized crime in a literature body which is viewing the society as a social system. Some authorities consider or believe that organized crime is a social constitution due to some factors (Lyman, 2012). One of the factors would be that many people who are involved in organized crime usually consider themselves as a group or a type of family. You have your head honcho or main boss. It then follows down the line. The boss is the most important member of organized crime group. The main boss leads the other members to criminal activities. They are well structured and organized groups which are hard to break away from once you become a member. Without particularly organized crime groups, many businesses would fail, and this could be one of the ways to validate the views (Lyman, 2012).


Lyman, M. D. (2012). Organized crime (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss-structural entity in the social-cultural system
Reference No:- TGS01984154

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