Discuss strengths-based attitudes for building positive goal

Assignment task:

Q1. What are your strengths-based attitudes for building positive goal - relationship plan.

Q2. There are 6 steps, even though the case study isn't about a family you're familiar with, create the plan anyway.

You can assume the details as you complete it.

Q3. After you complete the plan, is it one that is reasonable, and does it help to improve relationships?

Would you use it in your profession? Explain.

Q4. What questions do you have or what additional information do you need to use this concept successfully?

Case Study: The Sullivan Family

You are a prekindergarten teacher at a local preschool. Brian is a student who turned 5 in November. Brian's behavior in class is causing problems for you and for the other students. He has difficulty sitting still, paying attention for extended periods, completing any activities, and keeping his hands to himself. Brian is easily frustrated and is prone to temper tantrums and outbursts of aggression. Mrs. Sullivan, a single parent, has experienced the same problems with Brian at home.

What could be the cause of Brian's behavior, and where would you refer this family for help?

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Other Subject: Discuss strengths-based attitudes for building positive goal
Reference No:- TGS03363439

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