Discuss strengths-based approach to school social work

Question 1:

Q1) Discuss the Strengths-Based Approach to School Social Work;

Q2) What is the importance of the Socio=Cultural History Assessment when serving as a School Social Worker?;

Q3) What are major differences between the School Social Worker and the School Counselor?

Question 2: Last week we talked about some different WMD events and the people that initiated them. Discuss what you think causes people to go to these extremes. How do we do we defend against these groups from recruiting more people to their strong beliefs and actions?

Question 3: Usefulness of interdisciplinary studies "in the real world." (add attachment)

Q1. What is the claim/argument/thesis/major finding of the article? (i.e. what is its purpose? what is it trying to convince you of?)

Q2. What disciplines did the article appeal to/use/integrate?

Q3. What evidence did the article employ to support its claim/argument/thesis/major finding?

Question 4: Attach graphs

Examine the components of research data. Select one of the two graphs and post a hypothetical experiment that corresponds to the graph. Define the groups, conditions (x axis), and outcome (dependent variable) that was measured (y axis).

Graph 1

Graph 2

Question 5:

  • Develop a persuasive argument as to why mandatory minimum sentencing should be repealed.
  • Conclude your response by explaining whether you believe mandatory minimum sentencing adversely impacts African Americans and other racial minorities.

Question 6: This week's reading provides an overview of the research on violent crimes, crimes against property. As well as discusses white-collar crime. After reviewing the reading for week 5, as well as the week 5 discussion articles in the lesson for this week, discuss/debate with your classmates your position on which factors you feel play a greater role pertaining to the problems associated with defining and determining the frequency of white-collar crime. Also, discuss with your classmate's possible solutions

Question 7: Hazard adjustments assume that people live with a certain degree of threats that can be prevented or mitigated through certain actions. Pick three hazards that are prevalent in your hometown. What hazard adjustments would you recommend based on these three hazards?

Question 8:

  • Have Denial and Deception become obsolete in the face of modern intelligence gathering methods?
  • Are new intelligence gathering capabilities still being defeated by adaptations of classic Denial and Deception methods?

Question 9:


Many companies use social media as a means to communicate with consumers. Additionally, companies are increasingly discovering the power of social media "influencers" to promote their brands and products.

Please watch the TED Talk from Rachel David, CEO of Hashtag Communications, an influencer marketing company.

TED: How Influencers Have Transformed Modern Marketing

After reviewing the video, discuss your thoughts on the content. What surprised you? Do you think David is correct in her assertions? What does she mean when she calls social media marketing the "Wild West"?

Question 10: The U.S. criminal justice system employs various forms of punishment, including retribution, deterrence, incapacitation, and rehabilitation. Each of these approaches is designed to achieve specific goals, such as reducing crime, punishing offenders, or restoring them to society. However, the effectiveness and ethical justification of these punishments are often debated.

1. Artifact: A recent (no older than 2020) link to a news story about the punishment/sentence of a convicted person. Any crime will work.

2. Think: Which goal should be the primary focus of the criminal justice system, and why? Support your argument with evidence from the reading and any additional research you find relevant.

3. Opinion: Do you believe the punishment (in the case you selected) was appropriate for the crime committed? Why or why not? Discuss whether the outcome of the case aligns with your beliefs about the purpose of punishment in society.

Question 11:

A theory is defined as "a system of ideas intended to explain something." focus on four types of theories/models/perspectives.  Your task for this week is to choose one

Theory and Method in Studying Aging and 1) define the theory in your own words and 2) discuss how it assists you with understanding aging better.

Question 12: The Commentarii of lorenzo Ghiberti

Explain how the topic above demonstrates the values and ideals that were important during the early Renaissance?  You may choose a work of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images), Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Question 13:

1) Discuss the Strengths-Based Approach to School Social Work; 2) What is the importance of the Socio=Cultural History Assessment when serving as a School Social Worker?; 3) What are major differences between the School Social Worker and the School Counselor?

Question 14: (tina)

Pretend that you are a modern day pharaoh (ruler). Imagine (for the sake of this writing prompt) that the title alone grants you respect normally reserved for gods in ancient times.

The Egyptians believed in taking their material possessions with them into the afterlife. Your first matter of business is to publish a "royal decree" detailing the construction of your pyramid along with those items that are to be buried with you for use in the next life.

Remember that you are living in these modern days, so you will have access to all of the modern day technology there is to offer, not to mention millions of people at your disposal. As for the items to be buried in the pyramid with you, everything you have ever wanted would be also be yours for the taking.  Students should use images to support their discussions. Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

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Reference No:- TGS03436718

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