
Discuss sql queries

Discuss the below:


The Database Design Proposal assignment consists of several parts which are due in various modules. Data types and their categories and some challenges and strategies of dealing with data. In this Database Design Proposal, you are required to design and develop a database which will be used to compile and report distilled information using clinical health care data. The Proposal Outline is the initial step of this assignment.

Create a short outline of about 250-500 words of the project proposal. In the outline, briefly define and describe the scenario for which the database will be designed, the major problem(s) that the users in the given scenario would solve, and any other additional components of a standard project proposal outline that are needed. Utilize the following outline as a guideline:

1) Title Page

2) Abstract: A summary of the whole proposal in about 75 words.

3) Introduction: The introduction should explain the situation, the cause of the problems, the statement of the project problem, and definition of terms.

4) Solution: This should include the objectives of what needs to be created to solve the problem and achieve the proposed outcomes. Identify the limits of the project and outline steps required to meet the above stated objectives.

5) Resources: What resources will be required for this project?

6) Budget: What is the estimated budget?

7) Users (Personnel/Credentials): Who are your users? What are their competencies?

8) Conclusion: This part should clearly point out the value of the project with emphasis on feasibility, necessity, usefulness, and the benefit of the expected results.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.



In reference to your Database Design Proposal: Proposal Outline, provide a narrative analysis of the customer and user needs by defining the customers and users as well as describing their individual needs. Information to consider includes:

1) What types of information or data would the users of the proposed system like to have compiled. What would this data provide evidence of or answer? Provide specific examples.

2) What kinds of reports would the users of the proposed system like to be able to generate.

3) What is the feasibility of the proposal? Do you think the proposal is feasible or possible? Why or why not? What possible problems or barriers do you foresee? Are there any specific assumptions which need to be made?

The assignment may be completed in the form of question answer (Q/A) format or an outline.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.


In the final phase of the Database Design Proposal assignment, you are required to design a working prototype of the proposal. You will be required to utilize SQLite Database. The SQLite database is a small, lightweight database application, suited for learning SQL and database concepts, or to just explore some database-related ideas without requiring a full-blown database management system (DBMS). Refer to "Supplement: SQL Examples for SQLite Database," for the link to the SQLite Database download and examples.

The working prototype should include the following:

1) Provide a brief synopsis (utilizing research from related assignments) analyzing the detailed requirements of your prototype database design.

2) Design a database prototype that includes diagrams, data dictionary, design decisions, limitations, etc. The database should consist of at least four tables, two different user roles, and two reports.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.

Supplement: SQL Examples for SQLite Database

The SQLite database is a tiny, lightweight database application, suited for learning SQL and database concepts, or to just explore some database-related ideas without requiring a full-blown database management system (DBMS).
The interested reader is encouraged to work through the SQL commands listed below, in the order in which they are provided. After the initial "Provider" table is created and populated, try imagining what the result of the next SQL statement would be, then enter/paste the statement and compare the output to what you expected. Feel free to explore on your own.
The structure and contents of the initial "Provider" table will look something like this:

---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
123456 Ben Spock
123457 Albert Schweitzer 1912-05-09
123458 Derek Shepherd 2005-03-27
123459 Mark Sloan 2005-03-27

You can download the executable free of charge directly from the SQLite project Web site at https://sqlite.org, which also provides extensive documentation and tutorials on its usage.

The lines below that start with two dashes ‘--' are SQL comments, and thus would not get executed if pasted into the SQLite command window. All other SQL commands must be terminated by a semicolon ‘;'
-- set SQLite output format
.header on
.mode column

-- data definition, manipulation and initial population
-- ----------------------------------------------------
CREATE TABLE Provider ( ProviderID char(6) not null, FirstName varchar(24) not null, LastName varchar(64) not null, PRIMARY KEY (ProviderID) );

INSERT INTO Provider ( ProviderID, LastName, FirstName) VALUES ( '123456', 'Spock', 'Benjamin M' ) ;

-- (to see the current structure and contents of the table, use this statement below:)
SELECT * FROM Provider;

ALTER TABLE Provider ADD COLUMN HireDate date;

UPDATE Provider SET FirstName = 'Ben' WHERE ProviderID='123456';

-- further populate table
-- ----------------------

INSERT INTO Provider ( ProviderID, LastName, FirstName, HireDate) VALUES ( '123457', 'Schweitzer', 'Albert', '1912-05-09' ) ;
INSERT INTO Provider ( ProviderID, LastName, FirstName, HireDate) VALUES ( '123458', 'Shepherd', 'Derek', '2005-03-27' ) ;
INSERT INTO Provider ( ProviderID, LastName, FirstName, HireDate) VALUES ( '123459', 'Sloan', 'Mark', '2005-03-27' ) ;

-- querying
-- --------
SELECT * FROM Provider;

SELECT LastName, HireDate FROM Provider;


SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM Provider WHERE ProviderID = '123456';

SELECT ProviderID, LastName FROM Provider WHERE HireDate>= '2010-01-01';

SELECT * FROM Provider WHERE HireDate BETWEEN '1900-01-01' AND '2000-01-01';

SELECT ProviderID, LastName FROM Provider WHERE HireDate IS NULL;

-- adding a new column ‘Salary' to the table
ALTER TABLE Provider ADD COLUMN Salary float;
UPDATE Provider SET Salary = 65000 WHERE ProviderID='123456';
UPDATE Provider SET Salary = 9500 WHERE ProviderID='123457';
UPDATE Provider SET Salary = 142000 WHERE ProviderID='123458';
UPDATE Provider SET Salary = 130000 WHERE ProviderID='123459';


-- column functions
-- ----------------
SELECT SUM(Salary) FROM Provider;
SELECT AVG(Salary) FROM Provider;
SELECT MIN(Salary), AVG(Salary), MAX(SALARY) FROM Provider;

SELECT COUNT(HireDate) FROM Provider;

-- aggregation
-- -----------


-- multi-table queries; joining
-- ----------------------------

-- create and populate a second table
CREATE TABLE Patient ( PatientID char(6) not null, FirstName varchar(24) not null, LastName varchar(64) not null, DOB date, PrimaryProviderID char(6), PRIMARY KEY (PatientID) );
INSERT INTO Patient VALUES ('000001', 'Brad', 'Parker', '1986-03-22', '123458');
INSERT INTO Patient VALUES ('000002', 'Jennifer', 'Miller', '2002-12-09', '123459');
INSERT INTO Patient VALUES ('000003', 'Olivia', 'Silverman', null, '123459');
INSERT INTO Patient VALUES ('000004', 'John', 'Smith', '1955-07-14', null);
SELECT * FROM Patient;

-- multi-table queries
SELECT * FROM Provider, Patient WHERE patient.primaryProviderID=provider.ProviderID;

SELECT Patient.LastName, Patient.FirstName, Patient.DOB, Provider.LastName FROM Provider, Patient WHERE patient.primaryProviderID=provider.ProviderID;

SELECT Patient.LastName, Patient.FirstName, Patient.DOB, Provider.LastName FROM Provider JOIN Patient ON primaryProviderID=ProviderID;



1) In reference to your proposed Database Design Proposal, consider a situation where you want to track (and ultimately reduce) the occurrences of a risk incident within the environment you selected.

2) Identify and select an incident in which you are interested. An example of an incident could be that which is acquired or occurred during hospital stays.

3) Develop a 750-1,000 word proposal from the perspective of the Health Information Manager, which includes a specification of the requirements, the proposed solution, the database design and/or modifications to existing databases, and a breakdown of responsibilities among staff to collect, analyze, and disseminate the information.

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PL-SQL Programming: Discuss sql queries
Reference No:- TGS01795831

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