Discuss some significant commentary that requires knowledge

Discussion Post: Importance of Managerial Accounting

1) Significant posts are at least 300 words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed papers, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or other sources in order to be accepted

2) 3 post required to a student comment, attached below and should be at least 150 words and require some information from the text, academically reviewed paper, some significant commentary that requires knowledge of the subject matter, a web link to an article or other sources in order to be accepted.

The response must include a reference list. Using one-inch margins, double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Managerial Accounting: Discuss some significant commentary that requires knowledge
Reference No:- TGS03133019

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