
Discuss some of the big developments in this first world

Instructions: For this second essay you may use any of the sources listed under "Assigned Readings" in this Learning Module (10). Focusing on the primary source documents write a 3-4 page paper that discusses the following questions.

* How and why did the events of the late spring and summer of 1914 ultimately move beyond the ability of government leaders to control?

* Considering the possible causes and events, was World War I inevitable? Why or why not? If inevitable, from what date or from what event was there no turning back?

* Discuss some of the big developments in this first world war, like trench warfare and women and the war effort.

* What finally brought this war to an end?

Remember: You MUST use the sources prominently in your paper and quote directly from them. You may use your textbook in a limited way, but you may NOT use any other outside sources, with the following exception:

Choose a relevant JSTOR article to help expand on your essay topic. Include useful quotes from the secondary source in your essay and earn 5 bonus points added to your final paper grade.

For all general information for Essays in this class, please review the information in the Start Here module.

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History: Discuss some of the big developments in this first world
Reference No:- TGS0977603

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