
Discuss smart goals for evaluation design paper


SMART Goal(s), Impact evaluation, Expected results

Target Population Served.

According to the Baltimore City Health Department (BCHD), the health and well-being of Baltimore City residents cannot be discussed without applying the lens of health equity and systemic disparities (BCHD, 2017). In comparison to other jurisdictions in Maryland, Baltimore City is ranked last on important health outcomes, and has a mortality rate (age-adjusted) that is 40% higher. There are various health disparities that affect the health conditions of Baltimore City residents, including poverty, income and race. According to the BCHD, more than 30% of households in Baltimore City currently earn less than $25,000 per year. In Baltimore City, the percentages of overweight and obese adults are higher than the percentages for Maryland as a whole. Additionally, the percentages of adults that do not meet the CDC recommendation for activity/do not engage in physical activity at all are higher than the percentages for Maryland as a whole. This can be due to the fact that there is less access to recreational facilities for Baltimore City residents when compared to the average access to facilities for the state of Maryland. According to the 2014 Baltimore Community Health Survey, 50% of respondents reported that they do not have enough time to get the recommended amount of physical activity. 30% of respondents reported that they do not feel that it is safe to exercise outdoors in the neighborhoods they live in (BCHD 2014).

Description: Over 80% of adults do not engage in the recommended aerobic and muscle strengthening activities throughout the week. By participating in the national standard for physical activity can result in a better quality of life and a decrease risk for health ailments such as Type II Diabetes, Coronary Heart Disease, and Hypertension.

SMART Goal(s): Create Smart goals for Evaluation Design paper

Impact evaluation: Impact evaluation design for Evaluation Design Paper.

Expected results or Outcome Evaluation: Describe the anticipated or expected results for the health program

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Other Subject: Discuss smart goals for evaluation design paper
Reference No:- TGS02042543

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