
Discuss skinners two mistakes according to staddon in


The answers you provide must be written in paragraph form (bullet point answers will NOT be accepted), and should each be at least 200 words, 2 substantive paragraphs. Note that these are essay questions, not short answer questions, so they must be carefully developed in order to receive full credit.

Use your textbook, your required supplementary material and outside academic scholarly sources. (Sites such as Wikipedia, or sites that answer questions for users like About.com and Yahoo Answers may NOT be used is your answers.) You must include source credits in the body of each answer, and an APA formatted reference list at the end of each answer.

Type your answers to the essay questions in a Word document, or save as a .rtf file. Do NOT include the exam questions in your document or Turnitin will flag your document for plagiarism.

Question 1. What was the Enlightenment attitude toward science and how did this influence psychology's history?

Question 2. Compare and contrast Wundt and Galton.

Question 3. Explain why Descartes is considered (a) a rationalist, and (b) a nativist.

Question 4. What is the connection between Galton's beliefs about intelligence and (a) eugenics, and (b) mental testing?

Question 5. Describe the essential principles of phrenology and explain why it eventually failed as a science. Be sure to consider the research of Flourens in your answer.

Question 6. Show how the two varieties of the clinical method for studying the brain are illustrated by (a) Phineas Gage and (b) Tan.

Question 7. Wundt rather than Fechner, is considered to be the founder of modern experimental psychology. Why?

Question 8. Darwin had his theory worked out in the early 1840's. Why did he delay publication and why did he eventually publish in 1859?

Question 9. Describe Weber's Law and the concept of a jnd.

Question 10. Distinguish between primary and secondary qualities of matter and compare the views of Locke and Berkeley's with regard to these qualities.


Question 1. Discuss the effect the Renaissance had on psychology.

Question 2. Explain how Thorndike ruled out the idea that cats could learn to escape through reasoning and imitation.

Question 3. How did Pavlov demonstrate the basic phenomena of conditioning, extinction, generalization, and differentiation?

Question 4. Discuss the trends that psychology has in the new millennium.

Question 5. Compare and contrast two different schools of psychology. An example would be Gestalt and Behaviorism.

Question 6. Describe the traditional version of the Anna O. case, what really happened, and what Freud learned from the case (or thought he learned).

Question 7. What are the similarities between john Locke's empiricist ideas and John Watson's behaviorist ideas?

Question 8. Compare and contrast Radical behaviorism and Cognitive Science.

Question 9. How did Skinners approach to science differ from Hull's and Tolman's?

Question 10. Discuss Skinner's two "mistakes" according to Staddon in addition to Staddon's criticism of Skinner's argument against the "autonomous man".

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Dissertation: Discuss skinners two mistakes according to staddon in
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