
Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery

Business Plan Breakdown 4-The Operations Plan

This is the fourth milestone of your business plan-the operations plan.


Research the operational components of your chosen project. Based on your research and the knowledge that you have gained from the course, create a 4- to 5-page operations plan by completing the following tasks:

Define the management team by drafting an organizational chart and a plan for hiring employees.

Draft the key employee policies and a code of ethics.

Provide the details on the workplace environment, the location of the business, and the facilities necessary to operate the business. If a virtual component is a part of the workplace, explain how that is going to be incorporated.

Describe the supply chain of the venture, with its main components and its management approach.

Describe the manufacturing or customer service processes, discussing economies of scale and plans for attaining those economies (if applicable).

Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery process, production (if applicable), inventory management (if applicable), and distribution.

Describe methods to define and ensure the quality of the products or services.

Discuss laws impacting the business and methods for compliance with federal, state, and local tax laws.

Submission Details:


Assignment ComponentsProficient

Define the management team, drafting an organizational chart, and an employee hiring plan.

Defined the management team in a comprehensive way, drafted a consistent organizational chart, and developed and presented an employee hiring plan that is appropriate and detailed.

Draft key employee policies and a code of ethics.

Defined and explained key employee policies and defined a code of ethics. Both are reasonable, clear, and focused.

Provide details on the workplace environment, its location, and facilities necessary to operate the business. If a virtual component is part of the workplace, please explain how that is going to be incorporated.

Details on the workplace environment are clear, specific, and provide a comprehensive review of its location and facilities necessary to operate. Any and all virtual components of the workplace are explained and are reasonable.

Describe the supply chain of the venture, with its main components and its management approach.

Described in detail the supply chain of the venture, as well as the approach to manage it. Both are complete and reasonable.

Describe the manufacturing or customer-service processes, discussing economies of scale and plans to attain them (if applicable).

Manufacturing or customer-service process is clearly described. It includes specific economies of scale and plans to attain them, if applicable.

Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery process, production (if applicable), inventory management (if applicable), and distribution.

Innovations related to delivery process are discussed. They are clearly related to the delivery process, production, inventory management, and distribution.

Describe methods to define and ensure the quality of the products or services.

Methods described are appropriate to ensuring quality of products or services. They are specific and clear.

Discuss laws impacting the business and methods for compliance with federal, state, and local tax laws.

Laws impacting the business are identified. Methods for compliance are specific and reasonable to implement.

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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Operation Management: Discuss significant innovations related to the delivery
Reference No:- TGS02881540

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