
Discuss sga strategy in managing the presentation campaign


Each case study response mustbe between 2 to 3 full pages, double-spaced, and in currentAPA formatting. This assignment mustinclude a title page and reference page (not included in page count). There mustbe a minimum of 4 scholarly sources, in addition tothe textbook.

Case Study 1:

Read the entire case and prepare your paper according to the instructions below being sure to address fully the 3 questions at the end of the case in your paper. Include in your paper, content that demonstrates a clear understanding of unfair labor practices (ULP's) and provide analysis and examples of pros and cons in the strategy used by SGA in the management of the representation campaign. Within the story provided in this case, the familiar fabric of ‘family' is woven into management, employee, and senior leadership's rationale for remaining non-union. What does Scripture teach us regarding the strength of family? How should this guide the actions of Christians caught in the circumstances presented?

What was the impetus for the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU) organizing effort at SGA industries?

The reason for forming Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union at SGA industries was basically to act as a medium between the top management and the employees in the industry. Due to changing technology and build-up of more industries in the state SGA industries faced key challenges like depreciation in the income level. This caused the company to cut down costs and to reduce the number of employees by laying them off. This made the employees protest due to the threatening of their job security. There had never been such incidences since the company was started. This led to the formation of the labor union, to act as a medium between the management and the employees to address issues affectingthe employees (Nkomo et al. 2010). Even though these labor unions don't guarantee job security, in the long run, they do help in airing out the employee needs and ensure their satisfaction at their place of work. The management at the SGA industries didn't explain to the employees the reason as to why the new management could not run the industry as it used to before, hence leading to the major downfall compared to the other uprising industries that embraced new technology changes and job security(Galgo´czi & Allen 2013).

Discuss SGA strategy in managing the presentation campaign

The management at SGA made sure that that the employees voted against the formation of a labor union bywarning them of the negative effects. They made sure that throughout the campaign period they were close to the employees at the work place so as to gain their confidence in voting against these unions. They also ensured that the employees are aware of what negative effects these labor unions cause like they coma to cause division and tension between the management and them and don't even guarantee job security in the long run. The management made sure that they communicate daily and all the time with the employees through direct emails and also made advertisements on the Radio and Television to ensure that the public is aware of what is going on in the industry and win their loyalty back. They also made sure that they are aware of what is going on in the industry unlike before when they used to govern the industry without shedding any light to the employees of what the industry is facing and what going on (Nkomo et al. 2010)

Discuss any potential unfair labor practices charges SGA management might face as a result of their campaign strategy

During the campaign period, the SGA management practiced a lot of unfair labor practices; these include failure to educate the employees on the importance of labor unions in the organization. These motivated the employees to form different groups to enhance voting and hence causing laxity in the work-place. They also informed the employees of the negative effects of these labor unions. Some of the negative effects include causing division and tension between the management and the workers hence causing harsh working environment (Sloane et al.2013) They also assured them that regardless of formation of labor unions which acted as a medium of communication between them and the management they would never assure them of job security in the long run (Roth, 2010). The management at the industry also encouraged the employees to work as a team since they understood the industry better than the unions because they have been working long enough in the industry and aware of all the challenges.

Nkomo, S. M., Fottler, M. D., & McAfee, R. B. (2010). Human resource management applications: Cases, exercises, incidents and skill builders (7th ed.). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. ISBN: 9780538468077

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Strategic Management: Discuss sga strategy in managing the presentation campaign
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