
Discuss-sales promotions on the internet


Sales promotions can be found anywhere from newspapers to television. We are going to focus on sales promotions on the Internet or in print. Locate a sales promotion and explain what you think the company is trying to communicate to its target audience. Prepare a 1 page essays that summarizes the sales promotion. Make sure that you identify the sales promotion that you are using.

Review the following case study and create a 1-2 page summary based on the prompts that follow.

Marcus Jones is the Human Resources Manager for Banks Industries, which specializes in automobile parts. The company's CEO, Matthew Banks, has informed Marcus that the company is ready to expand and become a global organization. They recently purchased a building in Hong Kong that will serve as their first manufacturing plant outside of the United States.

The CEO wants Marcus to completely staff the operations in Hong Kong. Marcus is stressed about trying to determine the best strategy and approach for this major project.

What should Marcus do to ensure the manufacturing plant is ready to open in the next six months? Include the following information in your case study summary:

An overview of Marcus' case.

Key Issues or Problems.

Alternatives that Marcus can consider.

A potential solution to Marcus' dilemma.

Your conclusion on the case study.

Relevant additional supporting research.

Be sure to cite any outside research sources.

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Marketing Management: Discuss-sales promotions on the internet
Reference No:- TGS01861205

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