Discuss role of media in covering terrorist-related events


1. Media coverage of terrorist attacks or prevented attacks helps to keep the public informed. This same coverage can serve as a weapon for terrorists in the form of a psychological weapon that instills fear in the public. Discuss the role of the media in covering terrorist-related events. As part of your discussion, examine whether media coverage works to prevent terrorism or promotes a terrorist organization's agenda.

2. The use of suicide bombers, while not a new idea, has become an ever-increasing threat to security planning against terrorist attacks. Discuss the role of the suicide bomber by comparing and contrasting it with other types of attacks that might be used by a terrorist organization. As part of your response, discuss the effectiveness of a suicide bomber from both a physical and psychological damage perspective.

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Discuss role of media in covering terrorist-related events
Reference No:- TGS03007252

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