
Discuss role of common culture in unifying people in society

Problem: Following the successful inscription in 2020 of Singapore's hawker culture in the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, the country is embarking on another process to identify and submit a second nomination for consideration by UNESCO. Speaking in Parliament in March 2022, Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth Low Yen Ling noted that Singapore's "rich heritage is also a source of national pride." She added that, based on earlier discussions on the second nomination, there was a clear preference for it to be "multicultural in nature, and relatable to Singaporeans."

Low, Yen Ling (2022, March 10). "A Vibrant and Resilient Arts and Culture Ecosystem for the Future".

Ng, Keng Gene (2022, March 10). "Budget debate: Chingay parade, Thaipusam festival among possible nominations for Unesco's heritage list".

Examine the related issues of cultural and heritage, and consider the following:

1) Describe the role of a common culture in unifying people in a society.

2) Outline, with reasons, a NEW item of intangible cultural heritage in Singapore that can be submitted to UNESCO for inscription onto the Representative List.

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