
Discuss-roger theory of personality

Response to the following multiple choice questions :



1. In an asymmetric unimodal distribution , Median lies

A. Above Mean
B. Between Mode and Mean
C. Above third quartile
D. Below Mean
E. Above Mode

2. Descriptive statistics belong to the following four categories according to the property of the sample

A. Statistics of location
B. Sampling statistics
C. Statistics of correlation
D. Statistics of dispersion
E. Prediction statistics

3. Coefficient of variation is given by the formula

A. S2n/∑X
B. (S/√n){√(N-n)/(N-1)}
C. (Sn/∑X) x 100
D. √(SX12 + Sx22)
E. (Q/Mdn)x 100


1. The assumptions of Tetrachoric r involves all the following EXCPT,

A. The variables are either continuous measurement variable that is artificially dichotomized, and are only apparently dichotomous
B. Such continuous series of scores of the dichotomized variable from unimodal and normal distributions in the population
C. There exists a linear relationship between the continuous scores of the variable.
D. The point of dichotomy is close to the median of each variable
E. The magnitude of scores of each variable can be expressed in ranks.

2. Biserial r is defined as-

A. Non-parametric counterpart of Pearson's r for simple linear correlation between two variables.
B. A specialized form of product-moment r, used as a measure of linear correlation between a continuous measurement variable and a genuinely dichotomous nominal variable
C. A non-parametric statistics of correlation between two genuinely dichotomous nominal variables.
D. A specialized form of product-moment r, used for simple linear correlation between a
continuous measurement variable and either an apparently dichotomous variable or an artificially dichotomized variable.
E. A non-parametric statistic of correlation between two genuinely dichotomous nominal variables.

A. Pearson's r does not directly give the percentage relationship or dependence of one variable on another, unless
B. Its value is > +1.00
C. It equals to +1.00 and -1.00
D. Its value is +1.00, 0, -1.00
E. Its value is less than -1.00
F. It's value is 0

3. A correlation coefficient is computed between sex and pulmonary minute ventilation using the following data between 10 women and 8 men

Women: 5.32,7.04,3.29,5.84,8.23,4.59,7.78,9.24,3.36,5.51
Men: 6.74,4.41,2.98,6.92,5.28,4.44,7.98

The correlation coefficient computed here is-

A. Contingently coefficient
B. Biserial r
C. Pearson's r
D. Point Biserial r
E. Spearman's rank correlation

4. Which of all the following is NOT a property of correlation -

A. Correlation indicates a cause and effect relationship between the variables
B. Correlation cannot predict the value of one variable from that of another
C. Correlation suffers from sampling errors
D. Correlation holds good even if the variables involved are free to vary at random, not being ‘fixed' or deliberately controlled by the investigator.
E. Correlation holds good only within the limits of the population and other conditions in which it is estimated


1. ............................. is an improvement over randomized group design.

A. Latin square design
B. Randomized block design
C. Factorial design
D. Two-way ANOVA
E. Greco-Latin square design

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Chi-square test,

A. The test is based on frequencies and not on the parameters
B. The test is used for testing the hypothesis
C. The test possess an additive property
D. The test is useful for estimation
E. The test can be applied to a complex contingency table with several classes

3. Communality in factor analysis shows,

A. How closely the variables are related each one of the factors discovered
B. The relative importance of each factor in accounting for the particular set of variables being analysed
C. How the particular solution accounts for what all the variables taken together represent
D. The degree to which each respondent gets high scores on the group of items that load high on each factor.
E. How much of each variable is accounted for by the underlying factors taken together

4. An investigator is interested in studying the time it takes the subject to process a multidimensional stimuli with variations in the level of stimulus dimensionality. It is observed that systematic differences in performance of the tasks are associated with the level of anxiety of the subjects. Further, the interaction of anxiety and the task is of interest to the investigator. Thus, the investigator groups the subjects on the variable of anxiety.
Here, the research design used by the investigator could be,

A. Analysis of covariance
B. Three factor experiment
C. Latin square design
D. Randomized block design
E. Two-way analysis of variance

5. In post-hoc comparisons, when the number of treatment means to be compared is small, the most useful test is,

A. Duncan
B. Protected t-test
C. Tukey test
D. Newman-Keuls
E. Dunnett

History of Psychology:

1. Humanistic psychology emerged in the 1950s and has continued as a reaction to ................................ approaches to the mind.

A. Positivist
B. Behaviorism
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Gestaltist
E. Structuralism

2. In 1918, Jean Piaget (1896-1980) turned away from his early training in Natural History and began post-doctoral work in

A. Developmental Processes
B. Intelligence
C. Statistical Techniques
D. Psychoanalysis
E. Personality Dynamics

3. The book "Principles of Psychology" is written by,

A. Edward Bradford Titchener
B. William James
C. Edward L. Thorndike
D. Robert S. Woodworth
E. Alfred Binet

Research Design:

4. If a population from which a sample is to be drawn does not constitute a homogeneous group, the type of sampling technique applied to obtain a representative sample is known as,

A. Systematic sampling
B. Stratified sampling
C. Non-probability sampling
D. Probability sampling
E. Multi-stage sampling

5. Which of the following is NOT an important scale construction technique,

A. Arbitrary approach
B. Consensus approach
C. Item analysis approach
D. Subjective approach
E. Factor Scaling

6. Major phases involved in case study method are:

i. Recognition and determination of the status of the phenomenon
ii. Collection of data, examination and history of the given phenomenon
iii. Diagnosis and identification of causal factors as a basis for remedial or developmental treatment
iv. Application of remedial measures
v. Follow up programme to determine effectiveness of the treatment applied

A. i, iii, ii, iv, v
B. ii, i, v, iv, iii
C. iii, v, iv, ii, i
D. i, ii, iii, iv, v
E. i, iii, v, iv, ii

7. When the researcher has a single dependent variable that cannot be measured, but can be classified into two or more groups on the basis of some attribute and predicts an entity's possibility of belonging to a particular group based on several predictor variables, is known as,

A. Multivariate analysis of variance
B. Canonical correlation
C. Multiple regression analysis
D. Multiple discriminant analysis
E. Inferential analysis

8. The number of items in Likert scale is,

A. 10-15
B. 20-25
C. 30-35
D. 40-45
E. 15-20

Other Applied Psychology:

1. In an industrial setting, the process of giving an employee more responsibility and increased decision-making authority, is termed as,

A. Job enlargement
B. Job enrichment
C. Job rotation
D. Job menu
E. Job title

2. The study of how cognitive and psychological processes affect our interaction with tools and objects in the environment, is known as,

A. Ergonomics
B. Community psychology
C. Health psychology
D. Psychonomics
E. Human factors psychology

3. The branch of psychology, concerned with modeling of mental and motor processes of the average individual is termed as,

A. Mathematical psychology
B. Psychometrics
C. Psychonomics
D. Cognitive psychology
E. Physiological psychology

4. Malingering clients are charecterised by all the following features, EXCEPT

A. Dramatic or atypical presentation
B. Vague and inconsistent details, although possibly plausible on the surface
C. Long medical record with multiple admissions at various hospitals in different cities
D. Little knowledge of textbook descriptions of illness
E. An unusual grasp of medical terminology

5. A research participant is asked to think aloud while as solving a math problem.

The method used here, in an educational setting is known as,

A. Instructional design
B. Mastery learning
C. Protocol analysis
D. Discourse analysis
E. Pedagogy

6. One of the psychologists mentioned below is not famous for his contribution to the domain of educational psychology. He is

A. Albert Bandura
B. Lewis Goldberg
C. Alfred Binet
D. Benjamin Bloom
E. Jerome Bruner

Personality psychologist, associated with the concept of ‘Big Five' factors in personality theory

7. Human factors engineering continues to be successfully applied in the fields of

A. Aerospace
B. Aging
C. Health care
D. Child rearing
E. Nuclear and virtual environments

8. The ........................... of consumer behavior is based on learning theories such as operant and classical conditioning which suggest that consumers must learn from their own experiences

A. Social Learning Perspective
B. Rational Expectations perspective
C. Hard Core Behavioral perspective
D. Cognitive perspective
E. Psychoanalytic perspective


Personality Theories:

1. A young lady who has detached herself from all the dependence on her parents meets an insurmountable barrier. She looks to her parents for advice and encouragement. She may not return to her parents in reality but rather her libido may fall back into the unconscious and reactivate the parental images that are located there. These parental images may then provide her with the knowledge and encouragement that she needs to overcome the frustration. The developmental process adopted by the lady, as referred by Jung is

A. Symbolization
B. Progression and Regression
C. Sublimation
D. Individuation process
E. Displacement

By progression Jung meant that the conscious ego is adjusting satisfactorily both to the demands of conscious environment and to the needs of the unconscious. When the forward movement is interrupted by frustrating circumstances, the libido is thereby prevented from being invested in environment-oriented values. As a consequence the libido makes a regression into the unconscious and invests itself in introverted values.

2. Adler's theory of personality emphasizes all the concepts EXCEPT

A. Social concepts
B. Uniqueness of personality
C. Primordial thought patterns
D. Creative self
E. Fictional finalism

3. Bandura proposes that a fundamental way human acquire skills and behaviors is by observing others' behavior. Such observational learning is governed by four constituent processes. They are -

A. Attention, motivation, retention, and production
B. Motivation, attention, retention, and production
C. Production, retention, motivation, and attention
D. Attention, retention, production and motivation
E. Production, attention, motivation, and retention

4. The book ‘Psychology and Alchemy' (1944) is written by

A. Carl Jung
B. Erich Fromm
C. Sigmund Freud
D. Raymond Cattell
E. Alfred Adler

5. Shadow in Jung's theory means,

A. The feminine archetype in man
B. The masculine archetype in women
C. A mask adopted by the person in response to the demands of social convention and demands.
D. Animal instincts that humans inherited in their evolution from lower forms of life
E. A region adjoining the ego.

6. Phenomenal field according to Rogerian concept means,

A. Dynamics of unconscious
B. Totality of experiences
C. Higher order construct comprised of a set of correlated traits
D. A portion of self
E. A joint function of characteristics of the situations and attributes of the person

7. Maslow's hierarchy of need includes all the following EXCEPT,

A. Physiological needs
B. Belongingness need
C. Esteem need
D. Need for self-actualisation
E. Need for authority

Defense Mechanisms:

1. Which of the following is NOT a ego-defense reaction,

A. Denial
B. Repetitive talking
C. Fantasy
D. Repression
E. Displacement

2. The defense mechanism in which an individual places the blame for his own shortcomings, mistakes and misdeeds on others is termed as,

A. Displacement
B. Introjections
C. Acting out
D. Projection
E. Reaction formation

3. Match the following defense mechanisms with their definitions:



1. Identification

A. Identifying with some idea or object so deeply that it becomes a part of that person

2. Introjection

B. Direct expression of an unconscious wish or impulse without conscious awareness of the emotion that drives that expressive behavior

1.   Suppression

C. Temporary drastic modification of one's personal identity or character to avoid emotional distress; separation or postponement of a feeling that normally would accompany a situation or thought

4. Dissociation

D. The conscious process of pushing thoughts into the preconscious

5. Acting out

E. The unconscious modeling of one's self upon another person's character and behavior

A. 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C, 5E
B. 1B, 2E, 3D, 4A, 5C
C. 1B, 2D, 3E, 4A, 5C
D. 1D, 2C, 3A, 4B, 5E
E. 1D, 2A, 3E, 4C, 5B

4. Otto Kernberg (1967) has developed a theory of borderline personality organization that is based on

A. Humanistic theory
B. Ego psychological theory
C. Ego psychological object relations theory
D. Object relation theory
E. Object Permanence theory


1. The concept of contingency contracting is used in,

A. Cognitive therapy
B. Behavior therapy
C. Psychoanalytic therapy
D. Humanistic therapy
E. Group therapy

2. A therapy that is directed more at changing behavior than providing insights into the reasons for that behavior, is referred as,

A. Directive therapy
B. Insight therapy
C. Behavior therapy
D. Aversion therapy
E. Action therapy

3. Chlorpromazine is the first ............. drug to be developed.

A. Atypical neuroleptics
B. Partial dopamine agonists
C. Antidepressant
D. Typical neuroleptics
E. Antimanic

4. Roger's theory of personality emphasized on ,

A. Self
B. Personality Traits
C. Biological endowment
D. Consciousness experiences
E. Role of unconscious

5. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of group therapy,

A. Lower cost
B. Exposure to the ways in which other people handle same kind of problems
C. The opportunity for both the therapist and the person to see how that person interacts with others
D. Social and emotional support from people
E. The therapist is not the only person to whom the secrets and fears are revealed

6. The technique in which the therapist guides the client through a series of steps to reduce fear and anxiety, is termed as

A. Counterconditioning
B. Systematic desensitization
C. Reflection
D. Directives
E. Empathy

Personality Measurement:

1. Thematic Apperception Test was first introduced by Henry Murry (1943) to,

A. Measure need for achievement
B. Assess personality
C. Measure overt conscious behavior
D. Study the behavior pattern
E. Measure need for affiliation

2. In personality measurement where situations are artificially created in which an individual is expected to perform acts related to the personality traits under testing, the method is referred as

A. Questionnaire
B. Situational test
C. Personality inventory
D. Interview
E. Projective techniques

3. Children's Apperception Test is developed by,

A. C. D. Morgan
B. Harmann Rorschach
C. S. R. Hathaway
D. Henry Murry
E. Leopold Bellak


Prenatal Period:

1. A zygote that duplicates into two clusters of cells that develop into two individuals is known as,

A. Dizygotic twins
B. Homozygous
C. Codominance
D. Monozygotic twins
E. Heterozygus

Infant Development:

1. Period of partunate refers to the period from

A. Birth to thirty days
B. Birth to three days
C. Birth to fifteen to thirty minutes
D. Birth to fifteen weeks
E. Birth to three weeks

2. When the fetus is too large to emerge spontaneously or when its position makes normal birth impossible, instruments are used to aid in delivery. The process is referred as,

A. Caesarean Section
B. Breech birth
C. Transverse birth
D. Spontaneous birth
E. Instrument birth

Early Middle and Late Childhood:

1. Most parents consider as a problem age or troublesome age.

A. Early childhood
B. Infancy
C. Late childhood
D. Prenatal period
E. Middle childhood

Puberty and Adolescence:

1. For girls the puberty growth spurt take a toll at the age of,

A. 13 years
B. 13.5 years
C. 12 years
D. 11.5 years
E. 12.5 years

2. Effects of puberty changes include all the following EXCEPT,

A. Desire of isolation
B. Boredom
C. Excessive modesty
D. Self-confidence
E. Heightened-emotionality
, loss of self-confidence is the characteristic of puberty change

3. Onset of puberty at a very early age due to imbalance in the functioning of pituitary glands and gonads, is known as,

A. Negative phase
B. Puberty precox
C. Puberty growth spurt
D. Alienation syndrome
E. Fast maturers

Early Middle and Late Adulthood:

1. Early adulthood is characterized by all the following EXCEPT,

A. A period of value changes
B. A period of settling down
C. A period of changes in motor ability
D. A period of emotional tension
E. A time of commitments

2. Which of the following are prime stressors of middle age -

i. Somatic stress
ii. Economic stress
iii. Psychological stress
iv. Cultural stress

A. ii, iii, iv
B. i, ii, iii, iv
C. i, iii, iv
D. ii, iv
E. i, ii, iv

3. Physical hazard of late adulthood is NOT characterized by

A. Accidents
B. Malnutrition
C. Diseases
D. Sexual deprivation
E. Clumsiness and awkwardness

Old Age:

1. Which of the following is NOT a predominant hazard of old age

A. Loneliness
B. Sexual deprivation
C. Living arrangements
D. Role changes
E. Adjustment with mate

Physical Development:

1. Epiphyses occurs

A. In the first two weeks after birth
B. Before birth and increase throughout childhood
C. Before birth and is finished before early childhood
D. Second week of postnatal life and is over by infancy
E. After Infancy

Cognitive Development:

1. The process by which new information is incorporated into existing schemas is known as,

A. Accomodation
B. Equilibrium
C. Imitation
D. Assimilation
E. Adaptation

2. In the sensory motor stage of cognitive development Tertiary circular reaction substage occurs between

A. 12-18 months
B. 1-4 months
C. 4-10 months
D. 12-18 months
E. Birth to 1 month

Moral Development:

1. The stage where children view rules as handed down by authorities, as having a permanent existence, as unchangeable, requiring strict obedience is known as,

A. Autonomous morality
B. Realism
C. Ideal reciprocity
D. Heteronomous morality
E. Moral Reasoning

2. According to Kohlberg's stages, individuals want to maintain the affection and approval of friends and relatives by being a ‘good person' in the stage of

A. Instrumental purpose orientation
B. Social order maintaining orientation
C. Social contract orientation
D. Morality of interpersonal cooperation
E. Universal ethical principle orientation

Personality Development:

1. Factors that influence shaping children's self-concept during childhood are as follows, EXCEPT,

F. Nature of peer interaction
G. Child-training method
H. Parental attitude
I. Aspirations parents have for their children
J. Ordinal position of children

Social Development:

1. Development of social attachment and social relationships begins during

A. 3-15 months
B. 8-19 months
C. 2-11 months
D. 10-21 months
E. 3-9 months

Emotional Development:

1. Emotional self-regulation refers to

A. Stable individual differences in quality and intensity of emotional reaction, activity level, attention.
B. Emotions that involve injury to or enhancement of the sense of self.
C. Strategies used to adjust our emotional state to a comfortable level of intensity so as to accomplish goals.
D. Process of using familiar caregivers as a base from which the infant confidently explores the environment and to which the infant returns for emotional support.
E. Rules that specify when, where and how it is culturally appropriate to express emotions.

Language Development

1. "Baby eat" is an example of,
A. Babbling
B. A holophrase
C. Cooing
D. Telegraphic speech
E. Whole sentence

2. Language Acquisition Device was proposed by,

A. Brown
B. Chomsky
C. Bloom
D. Ainsworth
E. Goldsmith

Developmental Theories and Concepts:

1. ...............theories of development argue that behavior across the life span cannot be divided into qualitatively different stages, although behavior does qualitatively change as we grow older.
A. Cognitive
B. Stage
C. Humanistic
D. Incremental or continuous
E. Structural

2. Erik Erikson's Theory focuses on personality development. He argues that individuals progress through eight stages of psychosocial development. The stages are as follows:

i. Identity vs Confusion
ii. Trust vs Mistrust
iii. Initiative vs Guilt
iv. Industry vs Inferiority
v. Autonomy vs Shame

In chronological order the stages goes like:

A. ii, v, iii, iv, i
B. i, ii, iii, iv, v
C. i, iii, v, ii, iv
D. iii, ii, v, iv, i
E. v, iii, iv, ii, i

3. Freud's theory can be divided into these four approaches, EXCEPT

A. Dynamic Approach
B. Topographical Approach
C. Stage Approach
D. Humanistic Approach
E. Structural Approach

4. The preoperational stage according to Jean Piaget is from,

A. Birth to 2 years
B. 5 years to 7 years
C. 2 years to 7 years
D. 7 years to 11 years
E. Above 11 years

5. Which of the following is NOT an objective of Developmental psychology,

A. To find the common and characteristic age changes
B. To find the proper time schedule of the age changes
C. To find how the developmental changes influence behavior
D. To find whether the behavioral changes can be predicted
E. To find the process of information processing that account for behavioral changes.

6. Attitude toward developmental changes are influenced by,

i. Individual's appearance
ii. Individual's behavior
iii. Cultural stereotype
iv. Cultural values
v. Role changes

Which of the following is true:

A. i, ii, iii, v
B. ii,iii,v,iv
C. i, iii, iv, v
D. i, ii, iii, iv, v
E. iii, iv, v

7. The most common obstacles of studying life-span development are as follows, EXCEPT

A. Availability of representative samples
B. Finding satisfactory methods for studying development at different ages
C. Verifying the accuracy of the data obtained
D. Conforming to ethical standards regarding research at different stages of life span.
E. Scarcity of statistical tools

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