
Discuss recent discovery of the lhii tomb of griffin warrior


2 The Tomb of the Griffin Warrior: read about the recent discovery of the LHII Tomb of the Griffin Warrior found near Pylos in the following article:

https://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/27/science/a-warriors-grave-at-pylosgreece-could-be-a-gateway-to-civilizations.html?_r=1 Next, read the updated article about this important tomb:


What can this burial tell us about the tombs' occupant? What do the skeletal remains reveal? Do the grave goods seem to be gender specific? If so, how? Do they appear to be generic grave goods or do they seem purposefully chosen for the individual with whom they are interred? Please use specific artifacts to support your argument (citing the articles for your information).

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History: Discuss recent discovery of the lhii tomb of griffin warrior
Reference No:- TGS03179997

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