In the decades prior to the 1960s, those who did choose to get married, did so right out of high school or just a few years later. It was customary for couples to be married and "on their own" by their early 20s and in some cases even sooner. Both sides of my family did not attend college; some even quit high school (grandparents). Today, nuclear families are still the most recognizable "form" of family, despite all the alternatives; BUT many are choosing either not to get married or, if they do, not to have children, or not to even consider getting married. Of course, there's a lot influencing the polls here: the age of the responders, the selected group who was questioned, those who actually responded and those who chose not to, etc. Polls can be highly misleading and misrepresentative.
Discuss some of the reasons that marriage today may not be as "attractive" as it was in decades past at such an early age or at all.