Discuss reason that motivates renovation of sport facility

Problem 1: What's the most important reason that motivates the renovation of sport facility design?

Problem 2: Please name three types of sport facility renovation that you believe are critical to enhancing the sport event experience.

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Once you've determined where you want to go, it is imperative to begin setting goals on how to get there. Setting goals is crucial because these goals provide the direction you need to make sound career-related decisions.  This activity gives you an opportunity as a prospective sport management practicum student to answer several critical questions pertaining to the direction you need to pursue during your practicum. Your answers will assist in determining the proper direction you need to follow to fulfill your game plan for success. Identifying the correct route allows you to begin to contemplate the goals necessary to eventually secure the career you're looking for.

Develop at least 5 goals that you want to accomplish during your practicum experience. Review the examples provided in class as a guide.

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Other Management: Discuss reason that motivates renovation of sport facility
Reference No:- TGS03381319

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