
Discuss product decisions and pricing decisions

PROJECT (Group Effort) Students will prepare a marketing plan to introduce a domestic product or service or idea into a foreign market.

Papers should be approximately 15-20 double-spaced pages of text, exclusive of exhibits and/or illustrations. (These may be interspersed with the text or included as appendices but should not be counted in the text.)

Organization of the paper is left to the students. Two requirements are (1) that there is some mechanism for breaking the discussion into coherent sections (headings of some sort) and (2) that references are cited appropriately in footnotes or in a listing at the end of the written paper (endnotes are preferred by this professor). This includes proper citation of valid, reliable websites. Plagiarism will result in action consistent with University policy on academic dishonesty.

It is expected that the groups will incorporate material from class and the text into the written project and the oral presentation. It is also expected that students will include information gleaned from other classes they have taken, integrating relevant strategies, skills, and tactics.

Neatness, grammar, spelling, presentation style, and organization will be important factors in grade determination. Additionally, effective prose will be rewarded in its own right; poor communication will hurt your grade.


To gain experience in organizing a complete international/global marketing program, each group will identify some subset of consumer or industrial wants or needs in a foreign market that are not currently being met or are not being met satisfactorily. Applying knowledge gained from class, students will research the chosen wants and needs and propose recommendations in the form of a new product or service or idea, or an improvement over an existing product or service or idea. Students will present this new idea in a preliminary marketing plan. Students should incorporate terminology and concepts from this class as well as quantitative and analytical techniques gleaned from other courses and personal experience.

Topics to address in this section include:

1. Market Entry Strategy

2. Product decisions -- features, positioning, brand and your obtainable market share. Cite sources of estimates given, and clearly state any assumptions that may have been made.

3. Pricing decisions -- strategies employed, etc. You will not have detailed cost information, so you do not need to go down to the level of a specific price. Remember, this is a preliminary plan.

4. Distribution decisions -- intensity of distribution, use of multiple channels, types of wholesalers and retailers, and others.

5. Promotion decisions -- message, media, mix of promotion types, and others.

Students should tie the data presented in the situation analysis to the recommendations provided. Your rationale should be thoroughly discussed and supported. Projects will be graded on the depth of analysis in reaching the decision presented.

1. Business Experience

2. International Experience (business or travel-extensive travel or living abroad, NOT a week in Cancun!)

3. Geographical Area of Interest/Disinterest for the Project: Such as, "I would really like to focus on a project in China" or "I really would not like to focus my project on China". If you have no preference, simply state "No Preference".

4. Industry of Interest/Disinterest for the Project. Such as "I would really like to focus my project on the entertainment industry" or "I would really not like to do something focused on the entertainment industry". If you have no preference, simply state "No Preference".

Alibaba In America-Topic.

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Marketing Management: Discuss product decisions and pricing decisions
Reference No:- TGS01758787

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