
Discuss problems with determining what people deserve

Discussion questions:

1. Discuss the meanings of absolute.
"Perfect in quality, and complete"

2. Discuss cultural relativism and cultural absolutism.
Cultural Relativism is the view that moral or ethical systems, which vary from culture to culture, are all equally valid and no one system is really "better" than any other.
Culture Absolution is the view that says ultimate moral principles do not vary from culture to culture.
3. Discuss types of propositions. 
Analytic, Internal Sense, Empirical Sense, Moral
4. Discuss moral propositions as types of empirical propositions.
It contains value judgement as to the morality of human actions or characters.

Discussion questions:
1. Discuss the meaning of determinism. 
For every result, effect, and event that occurs in reality, a cause or causes exist.
2. Discuss social-cultural determinism. 
Three types: Historical, economic, Physiological
3. Discuss fatalism and hard and soft determinism. 
Fatalism is the view that all events are irrevocably fixed and predetermined, that they cannot be altered in any way by human beings and that the future is always beyond our control.
Hard Determinism maintains that if all events are caused, thern there can be no such thing as freedom or free will.
Soft Determinism maintains that there is universal causation, but, unlike hard determinists, they believe that some of this causation originates with human beings, thus giving meaning to the phrase "human freedom."
4. Discuss existentialism and human consciousness. 
People cannot help that they are born, how they're born, in what century, or to which parents they are born; but can determine how they live.

Discussion questions:
1. Discuss what justice involves. 
Just as ethics or morality involves the" treatment' of human beings by other human beings, justice as an aspect of ethics involves the same thing.
2. Discuss comparative justice and criteria for rewarding people. 
Deals with the way in which a person is treated in relation to another person.
3. Discuss John Rawls and his theory of justice. 
"Justice as Fairness"
4. Discuss punishment. 
Anyone can decide to punish anyone else.
5. Discuss problems with determining what people deserve. 
Punishing on the basis of what people deserve seems to be the most just approach .
6. Discuss human rights. 
Huma rights is one of the few concepts that speaks to the need for transnational activism and concern about the lives of the people globally.

Discussion questions:
1. Discuss reason. 
Implies giving "reasons" for a decision or an action, and such an activity already involves more than merely expressing feelings.
2. Discuss ability to be taught and promulgated. 
a moral system should be laid out for people to see and understand. It should also, be teachable, so that others can learn about it regardless of whether they wish to accept or reject it.
3. Discuss the Golden Rule Principle. 
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" - Kant Theory
4. Discuss the value of life principle. 
"Human Beings should revere life and except death."
5. Discuss the principle of individual freedom. 
States that people, being individuals with individual differences, must have the freedom to choose their own ways and means of being moral within the framework of the first four basic principles.

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Dissertation: Discuss problems with determining what people deserve
Reference No:- TGS02360874

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