
Discuss ppa details

PPA Details with Hints and Tips

You are provided an Encounter Form from an office. This is an example of what you are looking at:


Level 1    99201    Occult Blood    82270    Asp. Bladder    51000

Level 2    99202    UA (dipstick)    81002    Closed Fx care ankle    27816

Level 3    99203    Blood Glucose (chemstrip)    82948    Closed Fx care toe    28510

Level 4    99204    Strep Screen    87430    w/manipulation    28515

Level 5    99205    Urine Pregnancy Test    81025    Closed FX finger    26600

There are three columns of information that you are looking at here. The above information is right from the top of the encounter form you were given. This example has the columns color coded so you can see how this relates.

Level 1…….99201  Identifies a level 1 New Patient E/M

Occult Blood……82270   Identified the CPT code for the this lab test

Asp. Bladder…….51000  Identifies Aspiration of Bladder procedure.

This is to show you how this encounter is to be read so you understand the general layout.  Facilities should review an encounter form multiple times throughout the year to ensure correct and accurate code sets.  Please do not get hung up on the abbreviations that used to manipulate this information to fit onto the encounter form.  This is done as a space saver and nothing more.  That is not the point of this project.  The point of this project is for you to research the accuracy of the codes/procedures and the descriptors for the services listed on this encounter.

Here are few hints which helps you in completing your assignment:

Hints for PPA:

• Start by looking up each code. This can be done by either using one of the Encoders or by manual process using the CPT book - then look at each description to see if there have been changes. Also, be sure that the code on the sheet isn't too restrictive (has the description been modified or changed?).

• There are several code changes, deletions or revisions that you should be able to account for on this PPA assignment. This confirmation of code sets will be the part of the assignment that will take the longest to complete. There are between 7-10 total corrections that need to be located/identified on this encounter form.

• Be on the lookout for DESCRIPTION CHANGES that change the code that should be on the charge ticket. If the description change isn't going to change the code on the encounter form, then the change doesn't need to be listed. Remember, LAB tests are not the same as IMMUNIZATIONS and INJECTIONS!  If you find that a code still exists, but it is no longer the correct code because the text has changed, then this should be noted.

• To standardize the documentation of information on this assignment you will be required to use the attached Word document to list the corrections/changes that have been identified on the encounter form.  Should you choose not to use the attached word document for the Encounter audit portion of this assignment, then please make note that the audit portion of the assignment will not be graded.  That portion of the assignment will receive a zero and only the summary portion of the assignment will be graded.

• Immediately underneath this table, compose your essay discussing the importance of quality reviews being performed on a routine basis.  Give concrete examples in your review and how these types of errors can be avoided. This essay/write up (not including your table/chart of corrections) is to be minimum of 3 paragraphs but not longer than 3 pages and in APA format.

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Other Management: Discuss ppa details
Reference No:- TGS01751792

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