
Discuss potential sources of complexities in decision making

Assignment Problem:

Mwiinga was recently promoted to the managing director's position at Bwino Fabrics, Inc. in Mufulira. In her new position, Mwiinga first compared the actual revenues and expenses of the company with desired results. Armed with this analysis, he formulated the future course of action for Bwino Fabrics. Mwiinga transmitted her revenue and expense analysis to outsiders such as bankers and other analysts and distributed her desired future course of action for Bwino Fabrics to his subordinates. All these groups then provide him with feedback through reports. Mwiinga is confident he can lead the company into a prosperous future.

Unfortunately the company has just made changes in the way it manufactures and markets its products. These changes are producing issues associated with employee motivation and satisfaction. The company has sent some of their manufacturing offshore to South Africa, and their plants have been restructured into self-directed work teams. The company has also changed its sales program into a customer-relationship management (CRM) system which serves its customers with a team made up of a salesperson, product engineer and a customer service representative. With jobs being re-defined and sent off-abroad, employee satisfaction and turnover is becoming prevalent. The Executive Leadership team is becoming concerned and realizes that something needs to change. Employees are citing in exit interviews that pay and uncertainty are some of the reasons they are leaving. They believe that they will be compensated and treated better elsewhere. With employee unrest, Bwino is not moving smoothly into the CRM system. Before this system can become effective, the Executive Leadership team must discover and agree upon the underlying problem. Once the issues of employee value, fairness of pay and unchallenging jobs are addressed, the unrest will dissipate into an excited, motivate team effort.       

Based on the case study above, discuss the following as may be perceived in your organization:

1. As a manager you know that there are complexities in decision making. Using the case study above, discuss the potential sources of complexities in decision making for you as a decision maker.

2. Describe the generic influence tactics which are used at the workplace and recommend the ones that could be used at this organization.

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Reference No:- TGS03225927

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