You will be asked to add your Public Service Poster on a community health issue of your interest to our class gallery (a discussion board) with a short write up about the issue and focus. The poster should be designed to appeal to a target group (teens, adults, racial or ethnic group). Google public service poster to see some examples.
You should submit a poster issue, theoretical foundation and target population.
1) The health topic of the poster (gun violence, homelessness, obesity, vaccines,)
2) The target audience (men, women, seniors, teens) -- remember that there is a balance between too broad and too specific. Consider where a few social identities intersect. For example: Black women or Teenagers living in a rural community
3) The message the poster is intended to convey (healthy eating, the effects of cyberbullying on the bully and/or victim, ways to make a community neighborhood better).
4) The theoretical foundation you will use and why you believe it to be the most effective