
Discuss positive effect of high-quality learning environment

Assignment Task:

Over the years, federal laws have required young children with disabilities to be provided with educational services in their natural environment. Within this inclusive model, children with disabilities are served in childcare centers, preschools, Head Start programs, public schools, and even in-home care programs alongside their typically developing peers. In many instances, these children require some type of adaptation or accommodation to the learning environment in order to be active participants. The intervention of providing a high-quality learning environment can result in positive outcomes for children with disabilities as it promotes access to and participation in learning experiences that take place throughout the day. As an educator or interventionist, it is important to understand the positive effects a learning environment can have for a child with a disability or delay.

Just like last week, you will assume the role of a social media influencer to showcase your knowledge related to key early intervention topics. Last week, you created an image to represent your content along with a written narrative or a video post. And like last week, you are encouraged to not only post your information in the discussion forum but to also share it to your social media platform of choice and to share your social media handle in your discussion post. Doing this will allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the content and build connections with others in the field.

Click on each of the tabs below to review the discussion requirements.

  • Prepare
  • Image or Video Tools
  • Initial Post
  • Guided Response

Initial Post Instructions

Select one of the options below to complete your discussion post.

Option 1

Create an image with a supporting written narrative.

Option 2

Create a two-minute video.

Whichever media option you choose, your initial post must include the following:

Discuss the positive effects of high-quality learning environments in supporting children receiving early intervention services.

Explain how the DEC Recommended Practices can be useful in designing environments.

Describe an example of an environmental adaptation you would make for a child with a specific intervention need and why it would be appropriate.

Upload your image with supporting written narrative or video to the discussion forum. If you shared your image or video to a social media platform, share your social media handle in your post so we can follow you!

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Other Subject: Discuss positive effect of high-quality learning environment
Reference No:- TGS03430460

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