Your task is to find and take at least three personality inventories. You can easily find these types of inventories online. You can also find these types of inventories in many different popular magazines.
If you choose to search online, here are some ideas of verbiage to type into a search engine:
Personality inventories test
Personality inventory color analysis
Big five personality test
Dessert personality test
Emotional intelligence test
TV characters personality test
Assessing Your Real and Ideal Self
After you have taken at least three personality tests, analyze your results. Answer the following questions:
Which test was the most interesting to take?
Which test best assessed your personality?
Were any of the tests you took completely wrong or inaccurate?
Were any of the tests you took silly or only for fun? Did those tests give you anything
serious to think about or reflect on?
ANALYZE the data: Research suggests that many of our personality characteristics have a genetic component. What traits do you think you inherited from your parents? Provide examples. How might modeling (environment) influence your characteristics as well?
THINK ABOUT about what you learned regarding your own personality as you completed this learning plan. As you completed these activities, what new understanding(s) did you gain about yourself?