Discuss personality and its multiple dimensions

Assignment Task: Personality and Its Multiple Dimensions


See the additional electronic resources for this module and read from the books for more information.

Watch the video (talk): The Puzzle of Motivation

o TED. (2009, August 25). The puzzle of motivation | Dan Pink. [Video]. YouTube.

The video has the option to show subtitles or read the transcript.

1. Choose one of the examples mentioned in Dan Pink's talk, which relates to the science of human motivation. Access the databases and search for information about your chosen topic or experiment. Choose a research article (peer-reviewed) to read and analyze the relationship.

2. Write 1 to 2 paragraphs explaining what you learned from the selected article. Summarize the article and provide information on the methodology, findings, and conclusions.

3. Write another paragraph summarizing the talk's main points and other relevant information. Provide your opinion on the selected talk (video). Explain how the research you read relates to what Mr. Pink mentions in his talk.

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