
Discuss performance counseling

Q 1.Performance counseling should not give a chance in discussion like:- (M.A)

a) Increments

b) Salaries

c) Participation

d) Rewards

Q 2.__________ system stresses on discipline and there is simplicity in the form.

a) Point rating

b) Rating scale c) Merit rating

d) Grading rating

Q 3.'Compensation and Benefits' element of HRM focuses on whether the compensations are fair, consistent and which of the following?

a) Equitable

b) Bulk

c) Lesser

d) Highest

Q 4.Objective of performance appraisal system is to identify the developmental needs of each employee.


Q 5.what are the necessary steps in a benchmarking process? (M.A)
a) Determining the ‘gap' between the current status and the benchmarking
b) Inculcating best practice & annihilating the competition
c) Identifying who &what to benchmark
d) Forecasting levels of performance

Q 6. Match the following:

i)Assignment to some important task force or committee

ii)Need-opportunity alignment

iii)Continued self development

iv)"working on your liabilities"

a)Life long mission

b) Crucial role played by HRD

c) Officiating assignment

d) Offsetting plateauing effect


f) Success formula A leadership quality

Q 7.Taking up another part time job or business simultaneously with that of original job is known as moon lighting by employees.

a) True

b) False

Q 8.The major sources of recruitment for public sector undertaking are through(M.A)

a) Casual callers or employment seekers
b) Employment exchanges
c) Nespapers advertising
d) Advertising through word of mouth

Q 9.Now a days one huge task, which the HR managers do, is:
a) Solving

b) Producing c) Hiring

d) Motivating

Q 10.HRD aims at developing the capabilities of which of the following, in order to handle functions like industrial relations, rewards and punishments, performance appraisal etc?

a) Line managers

b) Requirements
c) Competitors

d) Employers

Q 11.Human resource has thinking power hence it can be used as money, material or machines.


Q 12.Compensation may be used to (M.A)

a) Recruit & retain qualified employees

b) Encourage & punish peak performance

c) Reward & encourage peak performance

d) Reduce turnover and encourage company loyalty.

Q 13.In today's organisation HR managers need to think themselves as strategic partners.


Q 14.Human resource needs to assist companies in becoming competitive by developing- (M.A)
a) Short-range strategies

b) Workforce c) Business objectives

d) Long-range strategies

Q 15.Which of the following are the factors affecting HRP? (M.A)
a) Demand for product

b) Type of organization
c) Strategy of organization

d) Time period

Q 16.The __________ has to be motivated and kept satisfied at all times in his stay in the company.
a) Managers

b) Supervisors
c) Employee

d) Employer

Q 17.Selection is the process of matching people and their career needs and capabilities with the __________ and career paths .
a) Research

b) Jobs

c) Change

d) Mechanism

Q 18.Employer has to pay _________ of the basic wages to the employees during the lay off period.
a) 30%

b) 50%
c) 45%

d) 60%

Q 19.Need identification(training) exercise can don real harm if the needs are not met through suitable training programmes.


Q 20.HRD is associated with various features those are (M.A)
a) System

b) Clerical process

c) Planned process

d) Interdisciplinary concept

Q 21.M.M. Khan defines HRD as the process of increasing knowledge, capabilities and _____________ of all people working at all levels in a business undertaking.
a) Individual approach

b) Positive work attitude c) Functions

d) Relations

Q 22.When is it said that the consumer is exploited?
a) When he receives inferior goods.

b) When the workers grievances are redressed or if the producer increases his profit share.
c) When the employer uses obsolute technology & processes

d) When workers productivity is not up to the mark

Q 23.In both individuals and group interviews for HRD audit, the following open ended questions are asked(M.A)
a) What are the strengths of your union leaders?

b) What are the strengths of your HRD functions?

c) What are the areas where your HRD function can do better?

d) What changes do you suggest to strengthen HRD in your company?

Q 24.Why do most companies prefer HRD audit?
a) To take stocks of things and to improve HRD for expanding, diversifying and entering into fast growth phases.

b) To take production stocks of things and to improve HRD for expanding, diversifying sectors.

c)There is a widespread feeling that HRD has not lived upto the expectations of either top management or line managers

d) There is a widespread feeling that HR systems are people intensive and require a lot of managerial time

Q 25.At a certain stage the upward mobility stops for many employees. This is inescapable in views of pyramid organisation structure. This phenomenon is called:
a) Pyramiding

b) Stage of decline c) Plateauing

d) Saturation

Q 26.There has been tremendous decrease in the no of female employees in all types of organisation.


Q 27.What means degree of accomplishment of the tasks assigned to an employee by way of job contents?
a) Performance

b) Present

c) Planning

d) Potential

Q 28.What is the long form of CII?
a) Cell of Indian Industry

b) Confederation of Indian Industry

c) Confederation of Indian intelligence

d) Concept of Indian Industry

Q 29.TQM is the conformance to the requirements which ___________ expect.
a) Performance Standards

b) Customers

c) Management

d) Quality control system

Q 30.What is it that is emphasized that a good manager does not seek?
a) Affection

b) Popularity

c) Skill

d) Respect

Q 31.While evaluating __________ jobs, where nature of works is difficult to be expressed in quantifiable numbers.
a) Workers

b) Supervisors

c) Managerial

d) Personnel

Q 32.Others' questionnaires is to be filled in by the ____________ only and is shown to the participants solely for orientation purpose.
a) Demonstrator

b) Evaluator

c) Raters

d) Supervisors

Q 33.If the company wishes to recruit locally it is through
a) Campus recruitment

b) Walk in interviews

c) Selection process

d) Head hunters

Q 34.__________ questions are designed to evaluate by finding out how much a person knows.
a) Leading

b) Testing

c) Open

d) Empathetic

Q 35.Promotion is done to develop the employee thereby reducing productivity.


Q 36. Match the following:i)Line managers ii)Line managers

iii)Personnel manager

iv)Personnel manager helps in

a) Assist the line manager b) Help in transfer c) Administer transfer d) Hiring new people e) Recruiting the line manager f) Advising the line manager

Q 37. _________is route to be followed in oder to realise vision and overall purpose.
a) Objective

b) Strategy

c) Aims

d) Goals

Q 38.What were the critical factors & attributes of the above mentioned performance appraisal format- (M.A)
a) Planning

b) Job knowledge

c) Winning instinct

d) Personality

Q 39.A major impediment to organisational efficiency is lack of proper communication & information flow. One reason for this is________
a) Decentralisation

b) Vertical growth of organisation

c) Increasing professionalism & dynamism

d) Extensive compartmentalisation

Q 40.The HRD programmes fail due to poverty and social injustice
a) True

b) false

Q 41.In which approach towards training and development stress is to be given on learning rather than on teaching?
a) SSL technology

b) Walk about approach c) Agricultural approach

d) Manufacturing appoach

Q 42.TQM consists of two stands namely,quality of ________and quality of conformance to design
a) Standards

b) Design c) Mechanism

d) Evaluation

Q 43.An employee who is categorised as dead wood is one who has absolutely no potential for growth & should be included in a rationalisation programmes
a) True

b) false

Q 44.Name the three performance counselling phase:- (M.A)
a) Rapport building b) Exploration c) Communication d) Action planning

Q 45.Besides business process re-engineering & benchmarking, which are some other useful tools to bring about continuous improvement in an organization? (M.A)
a) Human resource audit

b) Human resource accounting c) Urgency motivation

d) Management by objectives

Q 46. The most distinguishing feature of this model; however before giving the incumbent a higher position in the hierarchy, putting him through a job rotation and testing programs to enhance hisa) Leadership quotient

b) Managerial abilities c) Inter-personal skills

d) Coping capabilities

Q 47.What are the needs for quality audit? (M.A)
a) It provides a benchmark as to the performance of the quality system.

b) It acts as an appraisal system to gauge the performance of the TQM processes. c) It constitutes a permanent record of the progress in achieving the goal of quality.

d) It facilitates and encourages supplier quality certification systems.

Q 48.The stage where employees face a mid-career crisis is called as the stage of decline in the career development cycle.
a) True

b) False

Q 49. Who said "you cannot teach philosophy to a hungry man?"
a) Indira Gandhi

b) Pandit Nehru c) Lal Bahadur Shastri

d) Mahatma Gandhi

Q 50.What system of human resource management has it roots in organized sector like agricultural sector and small scale industrial sector?
a) Moon lighting

b) Human Resource Accounting c) Collaborative management

d) Employee's Proxy

Q 51.Some organizations have successfully experimented with foreign assignment in the career path model. What are the benefits of this form of assignment? (M.A)
a) The individual is tested in an alien environment

b) He is trained to see the business in a global context c) Lack of opportunity in our country doesn't come in the way of career progression

d) To get a feel for different environment and culture

Q 52.In an employees organization the flow of decisions from the working committee flows to
a) Working committee

b) President/Secretary of branch union c) General secretary

d) President/Secretary & craft/unit level union

Q 53.The aim of the majority of the systems of job evaluation is to establish, on agreed basis, the relative values of different jobs in a given plant.


Q 54.The conditions in labour market affect the following process to certain extent
a) Recruitment

b) Selection c) Wages

d) Of company

Q 55.It is said that HRD function is beneficial to both organization and the __________.
a) Executives

b) Employees c) Nation

d) Management

Q 56.Five main phases make up the process of the feedback exercise, name the PHASE 4:
a) Data feeding Reports & Analysis

b) Workshop c) Questionnaire distribution

d) Monitoring

Q 57.The reviewer has the prime role of recording major appraisal details.


Q 58.What is an inherent problem with organizations running their own educational institutes?
a) Lack of resources

b) Lack of expertise outside the industry c) Funding from U.G.C. and State Govt.

d) Economic viability

Q 59.What are the factors that warrant the attention for successful implementation? (M.A)
a) Feedback management

b) Action planning c) Reinforcement of new behavior

d) Feedback analysis

Q 60.When employees realise that their demands for better salaries cannot be met what do they depend upon as an additional source of income? (M.A)
a) A part time job

b) A part time business c) Starting up an industrial unit

d) Quit their job and take up a business

Q 61.What are the evident advantages of a flexitime system? (M.A)
a) Calculation of overtime

b) Decline in absenteeism c) Increase in productivity

d) Increase in morale due to an individualistic approach to work schedule

Q 62. . Match the following:i) The interview methods ii) The questionnaire method

iii)Dr. George S. Odiorne

iv)Dr. Blake and Mouton

a) Managerial walkover

b) Grid seminars c) In the absence of appraisal system

d) Supervisory skill level survey e) f) A large target group HR portfolio matrix (classification quadrants)

Q 63.Adequately rewarded employee for the result shown by him cannot have a confidence in the organization.


Q 64. For closure, if there is no response ( from government) within________ permission is deemed to have granted.
a) 30

b) 90 c) 60

d) 45

Q 65.Individual interviews are conducted normally for groups of four to eight individuals.


Q 66.It is estimated that ___________ of the 10 million employees in the central govt. including departmentally run undertakings is found to be excess.
a) 1.0 million

b) 2.0 million c) 1.8 million

d) 0.5 million

Q 67.The element ‘career development is assuming an alignment of __________ in HRM.
a) Business

b) Management c) Workers

d) profits

Q 68. For campus recruitment the organization can know methods to cut cost by understanding and dividing the number of(M.A)
a) Applicants

b) Job acceptance forms c) Candidates attending the campus interview

d) Companies coming to campus

Q 69.It is publicised that transfers is a major problem of the members of dual career groups.


Q 70. Enlist the components of the success formula. (M.A)
a) Leadership qualities

b) Relationships c) Job responsibilities

d) On-job experience

Q 71.For the period of the lay off up to a maximum of _________ workmen will be paid compensation equal to half their basic pay & D.A.
a) 90 days

b) 45 days c) 30 days

d) 60 days

Q 72.No worker employed in any industry who has been in continuous service for more than ________can be retrenched untill prior permission from the govt. to retrench in undertaking employing more than 100 people.
a) 1year

b) 2years c) 6 months

d) 90 days

Q 73._________ of more than 1500 managers in Dr. Odiome's study were found to be in the work horse category.
a) 65%

b) 56% c) 79%

d) 85%

Q 74.what are the 3 tiers inscribed in the training need identification through survey method? (M.A)
a) Identifying problems of various departments & the training needs for the various categories of employees by line manageres through questionnaire

b) Conducting a personal interview with likely trainees for essential feedback c) Prioritising the various training areas for different categories of employees by the senior managers & HODs.

d) Conducting interview with the deputy general managers & general managers to get their feedback.

Q 75.HRD________is in methodology of evaluating various elements of HRD.
a) Audit

b) Planning c) Structure

d) System

Q 76. Drawbacks of internal sources of placements are (M.A)
a) Underperforming candidates apply for higher posts

b) Thorough study of past performance mingh not always hold true c) Difficulty in rejecting unsuccessful candidates

d) Over performing candidates applying for higher posts

Q 77.Mention the defects of simple ranking method: (M.A)
a) Simplicity tends to make measurement somewhat crude

b) Absence of pre-determined yardstick leads to personal bias c) All the factors affecting the job are not considered

d) Some factors affecting the job are considered

Q 78.HRD enhance internal capabilities of an organisation to deal with current or future challenges to be faced by an organisation.


Q 79.__________is an advancement of an employee to better job conditions.a) Promotion

b) Demotion c) Medical exam

d) Referral check

Q 80.Supplier teaming is to develop short term relationship with a few higherquality suppliers .


Q81. Low commitment to work saves direct and indirect costs of labour.


Q 82.In which kind of approach the goal of HRM is to reduce costs with specified rules and procedures?
a) Commitment

b) Systems c) Control

d) Psychological

Q 83.The most popular medium for advertising for external placements is through(M.A)
a) Television

b) Press c) Radio

d) Word of mouth

Q84. Name the word which enable the superior to verify that he has correctly heard?
a) Testing

b) Leading c) Paraphrasing

d) Feedback

Q 85. Name one of the components/elements of the flow of decisions in the employees organisation as a bid to increase union member loyalty:
a) Providing wrong information about management

b) Grievance handling about management c) Industrial relations about management

d) Agitation about management

Q 86.Western and third world Studies of organitional excellence indicate major keys to organisational excellence+B172, those are-(M.A)
a) Mission

b) Goals c) Policies

d) Rewards

Q 87.Name some guideline that could be followed in giving feedback.
a) Suggestive

b) Continuous c) Positive

d) Negative

Q 88. According to Lahiry what is the simple act of comparsion & learning for organisational improvement?
a) Business process re-engineering

b) Intra-firm comparsion c) Benchmarking

d) 360 -degree approach

Q 89. SAIL helped HR managers to head separate outfits .


Q 90. Match the following

i) "You said it" suggestion boxes

ii) (1912) TISCO

iii) Reduction of supervisory levels

iv) To be trained to be independent entrepreneur

a) Middle managers & Supervisors

b) Free medical aid for empolyees c) Flatter structures with less hierarchical control

d) "Building people to build business" e) f) Human resources professionals The eight hour work day

Q 91. Business re-engineering often shifts the power base.changing the command - and - control approach to_________
a) Direct-and-supervise

b) Mobilised-and-enable c) Dynamic- and -reactive

d) Proactive- and -innovative

Q 92. The role of the organisation in career planning is to introduce & strengthen system to ensure______of employees.
a) Self development

b) Development c) Career progression

d) Participation

Q 93. It is one of the participles of HRM that employees are made to feel that they are which of the following?
a) Of no use to the organisation

b) Valuable to the organisation c) Unprodutive

d) Motivational

Q 94. The data obtained through job analysis are recorded on what is known as job analysis sheet.
a) True

b) False

Q 95. Career planning involves efforts on part of the organisation to provide avenues for the growth to its employees but the other side of the coin is the role of the employees in career planning through________
a) Career path development

b) Self modelling c) Self development

d) Once own committed career path

Q 96.The capacity to take considerable responsibility, ability to control and influence others and skills in problem solving primarily show:
a) Search for security

b) Technical-functional competence c) Managerial competence

d) Dysfunctional competence

Q 97.Name the steps that develop strategic framework for HRD(M.A)
a) Realistic employee development

b) Measurable employee development c) Well costed employee development

d) Under costed employee development

Q 98.What does HRP need, to effectively meet the changing strategies & objective?
a) Constant updating

b) Limitations c) Political background

d) Effective market for product

Q 99.Which
a) Price

kind of inequality to a great extent affects industrial relations?

b) Quality c) Wage

d) Technology

Q 100.One of the key advantages of a multi-rater appraisal system is thata) It is highly technical appraisal system

b) It adds objectivity and supplements to the traditional appraisal system c) It utilises the reportive of expert guidance

d) It is a fair appraisal system

Q 101.Name the organisations which have adopted effective HRD procedure? (M.A)
a) Bajaj auto Itd.

b) TELCO c) L&T

d) HLL

Q 102.What are the objectives of inspection? (M.A)
a) Removing defects

b) Consumer satisfaction c) Quality product

d) Reduction in wastage

Q 103._______ are judgements of characteristics, traits of employee.
a) Performance

b) Appraisals c) Potential

d) Merit

Q 104.Kotter (1996) in his book leading change suggest that crisis when times are good can effectively trigger people off on the right track.
a) True

b) False

Q 105. ________ responsibility is much more than of worker.
a) Manager

b) Supervisor c) General Manager

d) Personnel Manager

Q 106.Organisation should not employ specialists for the various operational activities.




Q 107.According to whose research trends in pay structures in the IT industry indicated that most companies provide employee with cash-heavy compensation packages.
a) Pascal b) Hewlett c) Pereek d) Roa

Q 108.One of the features of HRD goals is,_______ & it is a perishable commodity.
a) Labour

b) Manager c) Organisation

d) Management

Q 109.What are the components/elements of a flow of decisions in employees organisation? (M.A)
a) Providing wrong information about management

b) Political tactics c) Promotional opportunities

d) Grievance procedure

Q 110. The two parties to collection bargaining viz.,th employees and the employers have an opportunity to ventilate their side of the problems without any reference to the impact of that settlement on thea) Public

b) Government c) Consumer

d) Trustees

Q 111.For closure .every work to be compensates with_______average pay for every year of service completed.
a) 10 days

b) 30 days c) 45 days

d) 15 days

Q 112.The jobs falling under the same grade get different wage scale.
a) True

b) false

Q113. Attracting good candidates depends on the
a) b) c) d)

Future performance of company Present performance of company Past and present performance Past performance of the company

Q 114.Section _______of the Industrial Disputes Act (104).1947, does not confer the right on employers to lay off workers for whatever reason they deem fit.
a) 25-D

b) 25-M c) 25-C

d) 25-F

Q115. Match the following:i) Job facters enumerated as:
ii) Wage survey:

ii) Designing wage structure:

iv) Concept suggested by Elliot Jecques.

a) Effort, responsibility, skill, working conditions

b) It take into account the various key factors that will tell the overall performance of a job c) Effort, point, skill, working conditions.

d) Similar jobs are grouped and treated as a job class. e) f) It place all evaluated jobs according to point in term of money. Effort, grading, skill working conditions.

Q 116.Need and importance of TOM: (M.A)
a) Enhancing quality

b) Sporadic quality improvement c) Reducing waste

d) Flexibility

Q 117.An employ sponser, the HR manager plays an integral role in organisational success.
a) True

b) False

Q 118. . Match the following:iii) Swim or sink approach ii) Plateauing

iv) Development grade

iv) Success formula

a) Saturated upward mobility

b) Exploratory stage c) Below the management cadre

d) Lack opportunity e) f) Self-development Job responsibilities, relation , leadership qualities

Q 119.Participants are given two questionnaires________ and 2 others
a) His

b) Self c) Her

d) him

Q 120.In which method common factors to all the Jobs are identified?
a) Factor comparison

b) Analytical c) Non-analytical

d) Point

Q 121.The dimensions of the human resources portfolio matrix do not have the same form as for product & market portfolio.


Q 122._________ forms the last phase of the 360- degree feedback exercise.
a) Monitoring

b) Feedback c) Counselling

d) Workshop

Q 123.What are the elements of a quality control system? (M.A)
a) A means of measurement of accomlishment

b) A means of standard c) A comparison of actual results with the standard

d) A means of continuous improvement

Q 124.The ultimate responsibility towards the "welfare"of the consumer rests on the heads of the
a) Government

b) Employer c) Consumers

d) Consumer association

Q 125.The common sources of recruitment are through (M.A)
a) Newspaper advertisements

b) Employment exchange c) Employee referral

d) Word of mouth

Q 126.________practices help people to work smarter.
a) Job enlargement

b) Job involvement c) Job rotation

d) Job management

Q 127.One of the organization measures to overcome HRD problems is that the expenditure on HRD should be treated as________

a) Waste of money

b) Investment c) Loss

d) Profits

Q 128.In HRP an HR manager has to ensure that sufficient representation is given to candidates from the which of the following? (M.A)
a) Weaker section

b) Physically handicapped c) Socially and politically oppressed

d) Skilled workers

Q 129.________ is a termination of the services of a workman inflicted by way of disciplinary action.
a) Dismissal

b) Retrenchment c) Dischange

d) Closure

Q 130.what are the evident consequences & challenges emanating from dual career groups? (M.A)
a) Absenteeism

b) Work sharing c) Restricted freedom

d) Low produtivity due to conflict of interests

Q 131.Why is it found that federations & unions constitute an important & crucial wing of an organisation?
a) If mismanaged they affect industrial peace

b) They have a strong bearing on the culture of the organisation c) They can be threat to management

d) They determine the survival of the organisation

Q 132.Name the various processes of job evaluation: (M.A)
a) Classify the job

b) Select the method c) Gain acceptance

d) Loss acceptance

Q 133.HRM is responsible for getting the best people, training them and providing mechanism to ensure that these employees maintain their productive affilitation with the organisation.
a) True

b) False

Q 134.In some cases, individual and group interviews are substituted by_________



Q 135.Federations may invite the management's representatives to participate in working committee meetings. Who would the unions at plant level/ shop level essentially invite?
a) Chief of the organisation or his nominee

b) Divisional/departmental manager & personnel manager c) Divisional/departmental manager & line representatives

d) Representatives from line & personnel department

Q 136.Basically a two day workshop is conducted under phase 5 which stretches to three or more days depending on the no. of participants
a) True

b) false

Q 137.Management of human resources in the responsibility of line managers.


Q 138.what are the different forms of federation and unions within an organisation? (M.A)
a) Craft/unit level union

b) General union/parents body union c) Branch union

d) Working committee

Q 139.Companies can offer the option only to employees who are above_______years of age or have served with the company for 10 years.

a) 35 b) 38 c) 45 d) 40

Q 140.To evaluate is to assess the value.
a) True

b) False

Q 141.Pfeffer (1998) has identified seven dimensions of successful organisation, name one of them.
a) Job rotation

b) Employment security c) Potential appraisal

d) Performance appraisal

Q 142.A network of job specification in terms of kind of person needed to perform the job is
a) Manpower planning

b) Recruitment c) Personnel specification

d) Job description

Q 143.Performance management system ensures linkage between individual and organisational goals.

a) True

b) false

Q 144.For each participant, a schedule is kept regarding the feedback he has been getting, for ever questionnaire that is received,what is it that is including- (M.A)
a) The name of the participant to whom it is addressed

b) The working relationship of the rater is recorded throughout the exercise c) The name of the assessor to whom it is addressed

d) The name of the administrator to whom it is addressed

Q 145.vertical promotion includes greater responsibility,high pay and high status

a) True

b) false

Q 146.In which kind of approach the HR system are intended to shape desired employee behaviours by forging links between oganisational goals?
a) Control

b) Commitment c) Systems

d) psychological

Q 147.Name the style of management, where top level managers in India have been found to block the motivation and learning of employees (M.A)
a) Autocratic

b) Paternalistic c) Coarcive

d) Co-ordination

Q 148.TQM is the conformance to the requirements which______expect
a) Performance standards

b) Customers c) Management

d) Quality control system

Q 149.Why is that trade union leaders, particularly those connected with political parties may strongly oppose management participation in trade union?Because they are of the views that a) Management may impose their thought on the members

b) It may brood competition among members
c) It is unhealthy competition among members

d) Their influence is decelerated among the members

Q 150. For campus recruitment the organisation can know methods to cut cost by understanding and dividing the number of (M.A)
a) Applicants

b) Job acceptance forms c) Candidates attending the campus interview

d) companies coming to campus

Q 151. Low commitment to work saves direct and indirect costs of labour.


Q 152. Performance counselling refers to the help provided by a manager to his subordinates, it attempts to help the employee in- (M.A)
a) Supportive atmosphere

b) Empathetic atmosphere c) Setting goals

d) Setting losses

Q 153. _________ main phases make up the process of the feedback exercise.

a) Five

b) Six c) Four

d) Three

Q 154. At Hewalt Packard, as part of their BPR programme, the __________ directs resources from applicants to a centralised employment response centre.
a) TABS b) WFS c) GRPS

d) EMS

Q 155. The application forms should meet the requirements like age, qualification and
a) Job

b) Experience c) Contacts

d) Address

Q 156. Why is it necessary in the interview method of need assesment that the process begin with a detailed discussion with the departmental/divisional heads?
a) To asses person biases, if present

b) To determine the leadership style & worker productivity c) To determine the parameters of the study & get a view on the training needs

d) To review performance parameters & job descriptions with the head of the dept.

Q 157.Up gradation means employee is demoted



Q 158.There are several ways in which human resource management can strengthen relationships to accomplish organisational goals. Discuss some Indian experiences indicated by a survey conducted in 1996 (M.A)
a) Greater emphasis on people related issues-"Building people to build business".

b) HRM is being used as a ‘business development tool' c) In calculating business-orientation approach in HR professionals.

d) An increasing number of HR professionals have been included in the top management of indian companies.

Q 159.Write the long form of (KPAs)
a) Key potential areas

b) Key performance areas c) Key planning areas

d) Key postal areas

Q 160.HRD is associated with various features those are (M.A)
a) System

b) Clerical process c) Planned process

d) Interdisciplinary concept
Q 161.The factors coming under discipline & attendance are time keeping and ___________.
a) Sincerity

b) Obedience c) Puntuality

d) Manners

Q 162.Name one of the important and valuable resource:
a) Perormance resource

b) Potential resource c) Human resource

d) Manpower resource

Q 163.The no hours in a day, no. of days in a week and work schedule when the worker has to perform the job are normally stated in a job description


Q 164.Objective of performance appraisal system is to identify the developmental needs of each employee.


Q 165.Name the various ways through which business firms are being helped by well designed job evaluation: (M.A)
a) Enables firm to get data

b) Establishes equal wage rate for all the jobs, according to job requirement c) Systematic process and understood by all

d) Establishes different wage rate for all the jobs, according to job requirement.

Q 166.which point of importance of HRD helps in making people aware of skills required for job performamnce?
a) Role clarity

b) Competent employees c) Committed work force

d) Synergy effect

Q 167.Most of the concepts of the HRM and / or organizational behaviour become non-practicable due to _________________.
a) HR Accounting

b) Resistance to change c) Organisational politics

d) Dynamism of industry

Q168. For campus interview with the institutes, what can be dropped to cut costs? (M.A)
a) High cost

b) Low success rate c) Many interview rounds

d) Low cost

Q 169.Supplier teaming is to develop short term relationship with a few high quality suppliers.



Q 170.Potential refers to the likelihood of the job holder making a future contribution to the employing organisation.


Q 171.At a certain stage the upward mobility stops for many employees. This phenomenon ideally takes place around the age of
a) 45

b) 35 c) 50

d) 40

Q 172.HRP involves determining the organization's HR needs and _____________.
a) Strategies and philosophies

b) Development c) Importance

d) future

Q 173.What is the result of this era of fierce competition & ever-changing global markets according to casio(1995)? (M.A)
a) Service orientation with sharper focus on customer

b) Performance linked pay rather than seniority pay. c) Heavy rationalization of human assets.

d) Smaller companies employing fewer people

Q 174.Essentials of effective QC's:- (M.A)
a) Prompt approval

b) Problem collection c) Regular communication

d) Unconditional support

Q 175.It is said that rate the job, and not the _________.
a) Wage

b) Man c) Salary

d) personnel

Q 176.The term "CORE" in corporate core programmes means that these programmes would be extented to everybody in management & supervisory cadres.


Q 177.Traditional performance measures usually cover only the financial aspect of an organization, & prove to be myopic & insufficient in the long term. A model designed by this association/Foundation indicates both financial and non-financial parameters with special emphasis on the later?
a) American productivity and quality centre's international benchmarking clearing house.

b) The European Foundation for Quality Management c) d) The workforce Solutions company(WFS) Malcolm Baldridge Foundation for Quality Management
Q 178.A major impediment to organisational efficiency is lack of proper communication & information flow. One reason for this is _____________.
a) Decentralization

b) Vertical growth of organization c) Increasing professionalism & dynamism

d) Extensive compartmentalisation

Q 179.Financial difficulties, accumulation of stock, expiry of license or lease & exhaustion of natural resources are not considered valid reasons for closure as these are___________.
a) Avoidable circumstances

b) Unavoidable circumstances c) Beyond the control of the employer

d) Employee inflicted

Q 180.No worker employeed in any industry who has been in continuous service for more than __________ , can be retrenched until prior permission from the govt. to retrench in undertakings employing more than 100 people.
a) 1 year

b) 2 years c) 6 months

d) 90 days

Q 181. Match the following:a) Assignment to some important task force or committee b) Need opportunity alignment

c) Continued self development liabilities"

d) "Working on your

a) Life long mission

b) Crucial role played by HRD c) Officiating assignment

d) Offsetting plateauing effect e) f) Success formula A leadership quality

Q 182.What is it that good HR practices can build?
a) People

b) Competencies c) Managers

d) Employees

Q 183.Generally employee feel satisfied when they are promoted to lower ladders in the organisation.
a) True

b) false

Q 184.What kind of grading must be brought to the notice of the vice-president of the company? (M.A)
a) Fair

b) Excellent c) Superior

d) Poor

Q 185.Match the following:-

a) The machanism of price fixation

b) These are not the days of individualism & unorganisation

c) Knowledge of the subject, hard work & a sincere approach

d) To divert manufacturing activeties from urban to rural areas

a) One of the role of the consumer council

b) One of the role of the advisory committee c) Unionism

d) Management participation in employees organisations

e) f)

A much neglected sphere of the market Requisites for consumerism

Q186. The ranking system is also know as ________ system.
a) Non -quantitative

b) Quantitative c) Qualitative

d) Non-qualitative

Q 187.Federations may invite the management's representatives to participate in working committee meetings.who would the unions at plant level/shop level essentially invite?
a) Chief of the organisation or his nominee

b) Divisional/departmental manager & personal manager. c) Divisional/departmental manager & line representatives.

d) Representatives from line & personnel department .

Q 188.Participants are given two questionnaires______ and 2 others
a) His

b) Self c) Her

d) him

Q 189.When the company does not have time to spend on human resource process it adopts recruitment through
a) b) c) Employment agencies and head hunters Organizational policy Advertisements

d) Applicants

Q 190.Employee and supervisor should be never involved while finalising job description.

Q 191.What includes in salary survey? (M.A)
a) Average compensation

b) Inflation indicators c) Salary budget averages

d) Averages salaries

Q 192.What are the objectives of a quality control programme? (M.A)
a) Improvement in standard of goods with very little increase in cost of production

b) Improvement in minimizing wastages c) An effective inspection & control system

d) Conformance with desired standards

Q 1.In the development grade method of career planning the selected staff for this grade would remain there only for ________ years.
e) f) One Two

g) Three h) One and half

Q 2.Employment agencies normally recruit at
e) f) Lower and middle levels of management Lower and top levels of management

g) Middle and top levels of management h) Top and lower levels of management

Q 3.TQM believes that quality reduces cost through reduced wastages, greater productivity and _____________.
e) f) Conformance to standards Reduced income

g) Clear responsibility accounting h) Increased turnover

Q 4.When there is an increase in the wage bill (through collective bargaining), the party, usually to make the biggest sacrifies is the
c) Employer

d) Consumer e) f) Workmen Society at large

Q 5.Promotion is done to utilize the employee's skill and knowledge.

Q 6. Section ________ of the Industrial Disputes Act 1947, states that an employer should only retrench employees who have been most recently hired.
g) 25-D h) 25-M i) j) 25-G 25-F

Q 7.What are the different stages that emerge in the career development cycle? (M.A)
c) Establishment stage

d) Stage of disharmony e) f) Maintenance stage Stage of decline

Q 8.Counselling involves a one to one discusssion between the participant and administrator.


Q 9.Name the various HRD values like: (M.A)
e) f) Openness Aims

g) Trust h) Autonomy

Q 10.HRP facilitates which process to international expansion ?
e) f) Meeting staffing needs Expansion

g) Environment development

h) Production

Q 11.All forms of job evaluation are designed to enable management to determine how much one job should be paid as compared to others.


Q 12.On the basis of job elements and organisational demand an appropriate ________ of job evaluation should be selected.
e) f) Study Type

g) Method h) Course

Q 13.What is one of the factors / ingredients required to succeed as an effective consumer organisation?
c) Political backing

d) Knowledge of product pricing e) f) Unionism Initiative

Q 14.Why do most companies prefer HRD audit?


To take stocks of things and to improve HRD for expanding, diversifying and entering into fast growth phases. To take production stocks of things and to improve HRD for expanding, diversifying sectors


g) There is a widespread feeling that HRD has not lived upto the expectations of either top management or line managers h) There is a widespread feeling that HR systems are people intensive and require a lot of management time

Q 15. Match the following:i) HRD mechanism ii)HRD process variables

iii)HRD outcomes variables

iv)Organisational effectiveness dimensions

a) Job excellence

b) Better generation of internal resources c) Review discussions, feedback counselling sessions

d) Higher productivity and more profits e) f) Ans. Role clarity and risk taking Increase of costs

1-c 2-e 3-b 4-d

Q 16.The most popular medium for advertising for external placement is through (M.A)
e) f) Television Press

g) Radio h) Word of mouth

Q 17.HRD is a __________ function.
e) f) Isolated Proactive

g) Independent h) Free
Q 18.For closure, every worker is to be compensated with _________ average pay for every year of service completed.
e) f) 10 days 30 days

g) 45 days h) 15 days

Q 19.It is very easy to write grade description, as the number of jobs increases.


Q 20.What are the general characteristics of freedom or independence competence? (M.A)
e) They will like to work at their own place

f) They will like to work as their own boss

g) They will like to choose their working hours h) Free lance writer & consultants come under this category

Q 21.Individual counselling forms the second phase of the 360-degree feedback exercise.
e) f) True False

Q 22.__________________ leads to conflict between various departments is a functional organisation.
e) f) Development of own specialised interests Faulty communication

g) The lack of appreciation for the constraints of other department h) High degree of autonomy

Q 23.A useful and objective data on employees generated by HRD facilitates which of the following?
e) f) Deciding the job profile Recruitment and selection

g) Human resource planning h) Development

Q 24.the relations between the superior & subordinate will be affected adversely in case of moon lighting by subordinate.

Q 25.What is the published literature of the company which helps in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of HRD? (M.A)
e) f) Manual reports Marked handouts

g) Personal manual h) Newspaper

Q 26.Organizational development assures healthy _____________ relationships.
c) Human

d) Organizational e) f) Inter and intra unit Performance

Q 27.The capacity to take considerable resposibility, ability to influence and control others and skills in problem solving primarily show:
e) f) Search for security Technical-functional competence

g) Managerial competence h) Dysfunctional competence

Q 28.What is one of the key objectives of a performance appraisal?
e) f) To understand his own strengths and weaknesses with respect to his role in the organisation To act as a mechanism to only measures performance

g) Prevention is better than cure h) To judge the character traits of the work force

Q 29.In the same organisation, with the new policy, what is the policy if the assessor is transferred from his/her job after Feb?
e) f) He/She will complete the appraisal of those reporting to him/her & proceed on transfer The appraisal will be done by the new incumbent in the position as at 31st Aug.

g) Another superior takes charge of the appraisal for the assessee h) Another superior along with the recommendations of the HR manager appraises the assessee

Q 30.Career planning involves efforts on part of the organisation to provide avenues for growth to its employees but the other side of the coin is the role of the employee in career planning through ____________.
e) f) Career path development Self modeling

g) Self development h) Once own committed career path

Q 31.Growth of business calls for hiring of additional labour, while mergers will need a plan for which of the following?
e) Hiring skilled workers

f) Lay-offs

g) System change h) Training and development
Q 32.In the career path models, it is aimed that essentially a ten years experience should be solid ten years experience, with one year experience repeated ten times.

Q 33.Some organizations have successfully experimented with foreign assignment in the career path model, what are the benefits of this form of assignment? (M.A)
e) f) The individual is tested in an alien environment He is trained to see the business in a global context

g) Lack of opportunity in our country doesn't come in the way of career progression h) To get a feel for different environment and culture Ans. a,b,c

Q 34 Match the following:i) TQM ii) Focus on quality


iv) Quality circles

a) Principle managerial function

b) Totality of features & characteristics c) Dr. W. Edwards Deming

d) Element of TQM e) f) Ans. Important tool to control the quality of a product Problem solving

Q 35.There has been tremendous decrease in the no. of female employees in all types of organisation.


Q 36. __________ having openness, trust, authenticity as its bed rock is highly suitable for 360 - degree appraisal.
a) Culture b) Individual c) Atmosphere d) surrounding

Q 37. What were the critical factors & attributes of the above mentioned performance appraisal format. (M.A)
e) f) Planning Job knowledge

g) Winning instinct h) Personality

Q 38.The actual HRM process starts with the estimates of the amount and the type of ___________.
e) f) People needed Finance required

g) Raw material h) Procedure

Q 39.Name the dimensions identified by Pfeffer seem to characterise most not all of the system-producing profits through people. (M.A)
e) f) Selecting hiring of new personnel Self managed team

g) Decentralisation of decision making h) Centralisation of decision making
Q 40.Western and Third World studies of organizational excellence indicate major keys to organizational excellence +B172, those are-(M.A)
c) Mission

d) Goals e) f) Policies Rewards
Q 41.Which out of the following is a dimension of quality as given by David Garvin's eight principal quality dimensions-(M.A)
e) f) Flexibility Reliability

g) Aesthetic h) Perceived quality

Q 42.The process of 360 degree appraisal is broken into two stages- planning, implementation.

Q 43.The major sources of recruitment for private sector are (M.A)
c) Advertisements

d) Employment exchange e) f) Employmee recommendations Word of mouth

Q 44.Under a good appraisal plan, the plan must meet laws of land, and, acts relating to labour.

Q 45.Name the word which enable the superior to verify that he has correctly heard?
e) f) Testing Leading

g) Paraphrasing h) Feedback

Q 46. While conducting training programmes, what is the need of the hour is that trainers assume the role of a ____________.
e) f) Transponder Liaison

g) Facilitator h) Mentor

Q 47. Name the type of questions hindering communication.
e) f) Critical Empathetic

g) Testing h) Leading

Q 48.what should be the for of feedback which is communicated in a manner that produces a constructive response in the subordinate?
c) Evaluated

d) Positive e) f) Descriptive Negative

Q 49. Name one of the components/elements of the flow of the decisions in the employee organisation as a bid to increase union member loyalty :
e) f) Providing wrong information about management Grievance handling about management

g) Industrial relations about management h) Agitation about management

Q 50.'Compensation and Benefits'element of HRM focuses on whether theb compensations are fair,consistent and which of the following?
e) f) Equitable Bulk

g) Lesser h) Hightest

Q 51._______of more than 1500 manager in Dr. Odiorne's study were found to be in the work house category.
e) f) 65% 56%

g) 79% h) 85%

Q 52.Lay off is temporary dismissal of surplus staff for a maximum of______days due to shortage of coal,power etc.
e) f) 25 30

g) 60 h) 45

Q 53.Management of human resources in the responsibility of line managers.


Q 54.The whole process of conducting a 360 -degree feedback process in any organisation could last about ____________
e) f) Two & half to about 4 months One & half to about 3 months

g) One & half to 4 months h) One & half to 5 months

Q 55.If employee federations & unions are mismanaged they. (M.A)

e) f) Disturb the smooth functioning & growth of organisations Manipulate company policies

g) Affect industrial peace h) Affect effective management of personnel

Q 56.Every HRD system developed by an organisation should be based on the following elements of HRM. Those are: (M.A)
e) f) Suitable compensation plan Selection of the right people

g) Good performance appraisal system h) Training to managers

Q 57. Match the following:i) HRD audit is undertaken, to make the HR function business driven ii) HRD audit is undertaken, for change of leadership

iii)HRD audit is undertaken for promoting professionalism among employees

iv)HRD audit is undertaken, for growth & diversification

g) Few organizations percieved HRD audit more as a renewal exercise h) Few organisations needed to recruit new HRD manager and reorient the entire HRD Dept. i) Organisational restructuring may have necessitated meeting the changing environmental demands and oppertunities Few organisations felt they had not paid adequate attention to their human resource due to constraint of the past


k) A few organisations started realising the importance of skill development among employees l) A few organisations undertook the initial steps using their existing staff to handle new projects

Q 58.Promotion is done to develop the employee thereby reducing productivity

Q 59.The HR business ____________ are established to support the attainment of the overall plan and objectives.
e) f) Goals Objectives

g) Policies h) Procedure

Q 60.What are the features of quarter moon lighting? (M.A)
e) f) Candidate immediately after completing his school/college education joins an organisation Purchasing power reduces as his family grows

g) The employee takes up a part time second job h) He pursues this new job most of the time

Q 61.Factor comparision system consists of selection of key jobs.

Q 62. The _____________ provides resources to approved employment schemes in the organised & marginalised sectors.
a) National Renewal Grant Fund b) National Renewal Closure Fund c) Employment-Retirement Fund d) Employment Generation Fund

Q 63.As per professor Len Nadler HRD is an organized learning experience within a ____________ with the objective of performance change.
c) Organization

d) Market e) f) Given period of time scheme

Q 64. Match the following:i) Appraiser identity ii) Appraiser preparedness

iii) Appraisee preparedness

iv) Appraiser instrument

a)This deals with actual conduct of the appraisal process

b) This deals with the well designed 360 degree appraisal with help in generating a realistic feedback c) This deals with a good questionnaire should include questions that are relevant to organisation's culture and goals rather than off-the shelf

d) This deals with training of appraisee who can primarily address issues like how to process and analyse the data e) f) This deals with selection and training aspects of appraisers This deals with the research indicating anonymity is of paramount importance

Q 65.Increased acceptance of feedback appraisal system is that as large no. of managers work with wide range of other people, it becomes difficult for a single manager to accurately assess their contribution.


Q 66.When is it said that the consumer is exploited?
e) f) When he receives inferior goods When the workers grievances are redressed or if the producer increases his profit share

g) When the employer uses obsolete technology & processes h) When workers productivity is not up to the mark

Q 67. What are the evident consequences & challenges emanating from dual career group? (M.A)
e) f) Absenteeism Work sharing

g) Restricted freedom h) Low productivity due to conflict of interests Ans. a,c,d

Q 68. What are the essential features of the multi-company collaboration technique? (M.A)
e) f) Companies of a varied background A common forum

g) Increased competition h) Pooled resources

Q 69.It is technology which can provide competitive advantage to corporations.



Q 70. The new economic policy,1991 brought significant change in industrial & business sector. One of the important aspects of the new economic policy is the ___________.
e) f) Economic reconstruction Re-personalization

g) Exit policy h) Rationlisation of human resouce

Q 71.Which is the method least used, under the techniques of job evaluation?
e) f) Job grading Factor comparision system

g) Ranking system h) Point system

Q 72.Compensation may be used to (M.A)
e) f) Recruit & retain qualified employees Encourage & punish peak performance

g) Reward & encourage peak performance h) Reduce turnover and encourage company loyalty

Q 73.Ulrich (1994) says: The idea of utilising human resource as a strategic business partner is still at a level of ____________ rather than reality.
e) f) Latency Rhetoric

g) Infancy h) Modesty

Q 74.which of the following points highlight HRD's importance? (M.A)
e) f) Role clarity Committed workforce

g) Evolving system h) Synergy effect

Q 75.Generally, training need identification forms a part of _____________.
e) f) Management development committee Training committee

g) Career planning h) Management appraisal system

Q 76. What is the initiating step which essentially commences the benchmarking process?
e) f) Determining the gap between the current status and the benchmark Collecting data and information

g) Preparing an action plan h) Identify who & what to benchmark

Q 77.The pay of an employee is based on considerations like skills, __________ efforts and accountability.
e) f) Organization structure Field

g) Employee relation h) Job responsibilities

Q 78.Name one of the drawbacks that can take place while designing the form:
c) The rating scale of performance management

d) The potential scales are ambiguous e) f) The rating scales are ambiguous The rating scales of the employee

Q 79.When company requires people urgently, it adopts
a) e) f) Campus recruitment Walk in interviews Selection process

g) Head hunters

Q 80.360-degree appraisal is to get a broad assessment of an individual from different sources, following factors need to be watched at this stage-(M.A)
a) c) Individual learning Organisational learning

d) Improved individual behaviour e) Improved action planning

Q81. Structure interview is more __________.
a) c) Unreliable Realistic

d) Reliable e) Unrealistic

Q 82.What is the method of (human resource valuation) where in the value of an employee in his alternative use is determined?
a) e) f) Opportunity cost method Histonical cost method Current purchase power method(CPPM)

g) Standard cost method

Q 83.Ranking system usually measures each job in comparison with other jobs in terms of relative importance of experience & education.


Q84. The major sources of recruitment for public sector undertaking are through(M.A)

a) Casual callers or employment seekers e) f) Employment exchanges Newspapers advertising

g) Advertising through word of mouth

Q 85. At intel the Work Force Company(WFS) was framed & given monopoly over business process.


Q 86.Name the two factors which lead people to work: (M.A)

a) e) f) Economic Organising Motivation

g) Controlling

Q 87.Company adopts employment agencies and head hunters when it wants to maintain

a) e) f) Confidentiality Good contacts Good sources

g) Good recruiters

Q 88. HRP facilitates reduction in personnel cost because it helps the organization to anticipate which of the following?

a) Imbalance in HR

b) International strategies c) HRP

d) Limitations

Q 89. The purpose of "employee assistance" element of HRM is to help employees in overcoming job related problems and not personal problems.



Q 90. As a result of domestic & international competition, HR management is being given a key role. What are the changes in HRpolicies & programmes taking place vis-à-vis this changed environment? (M.A)
g) Corporate restructing & defining of roles as areas receiving less focus as opposed to areas pertaining to career growth & career planning h) Manpower productivity has become a central issue in organisation as manpower costs go up i) j) Increasing emhasis on training and retraining to tap latent talent Companies are showing increasing willingness to retain & redeploy manpower

Q 91. The HRD programmes fail due to poverty and social injustice.


Q 92. Traditionally, human resources has been perceived as,.

a) Autocratic

e) f)

Bureaucratic Benevolent

g) Laissez-faire

Q 93. It is said that HRD function is beneficial to both organisation and the ________.

a. b. c. d. Executives Emloyees Nation Management

Q 94. Which is the factor influencing HRP?

a) Type & quality of information used

b) Planning c) Marketing knowledge

d) Protection of weaker section

Q 95.What are the common job responsibilities of an executive ? (M.A)

a) Co-ordinate Training Programme

b) Keep cost within budget c) Administrative skills

d) Publish house journal

Q 96.In today's organization HR managers need to think themselves as strategic partners.



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