
Discuss perceptions of african americans

Assignment task:

Purpose: To have students demonstrate their ability to discuss difficult topics such as perceptions of African Americans. Your assignment is in three (3) phases. The first and second phase involve other people the last phase pertains to you, the student, and your perceptions.  you will interview five 5 people. Phase 1 ask 5 people that you know, or if you are brave some you do not know the following, a. what perceptions they have concerning African Americans. After you ask about their perceptions (list about three for each person) ask them b. how did they come to form these perceptions or what influenced their perceptions. Be sure to take good notes and I want you to come back and reflect on the experience. Phase II in a brief summary for each person including their first name, how you know them, age and where they are from (originally and how long they lived there). Lastly, phase III each student should list 3 to 5 assumptions you (the student) have about African Americans and talk about what influenced your perceptions or who, what or how you formed these perceptions. This will become a sort of log, with complete

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Reference No:- TGS03328807

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