
Discuss past and present funding for initiatives


This is an apa format, 3 references, This is topic 3 of this assignment, I have attached topic one and 2 essays of this paper at the bottom of this paper.

This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

In your Collaborative Learning Community, write a paper of 500-1,000 words that includes the following in addressing the health issue:

1. Discuss past and present funding for initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources.
2. Analyze past and present quality initiatives that address the health issue. Include both public and private sources.
3. Differentiate how being insured versus uninsured impacts health outcomes relative to this issue.
4. Compare health outcomes for the issue between the United States and a country with universal health coverage.

Topic 1 essay on unfluenza


Influenza commonly known as flu is a contagious respiratory infection that attacks the general respiratory system that is, the nose, throat, and even the lungs. It is caused by the two types of influenza viruses which are influenza A, influenza B and influenza C (Wang & Tao, 2010). Attacks from both viruses are epidemic and seasonal as they are common within specific periods within a year. Attack mechanisms for influenza A viruses depends on the genes on the surface protein of a patient. They are normally spread through sneezing and coughing from an infected individual to the surrounding air (Wang & Tao, 2010).

The flu can also attack an individual in case they get into direct body tissue contact with an infected individual for example handshaking. Health professionals argue that the flu virus is stubborn and spreads mainly over tiny droplets which are produced when the infected individuals' cough, talk, and sneeze (Wang & Tao, 2010). Such droplets are easily carried by the surrounding air and can be landed in the nose and mouths of the immediate persons. Additionally, it can enter into one's system if he or she gets into direct contact with a surface or object that has the influenza bacteria and consequently rubs or touches their nose, mouth or even eyes (Wang & Tao, 2010).

Health departments have overtime identified initiative to address the problem of influenza, such initiatives include:

Reducing human exposure to the flu viruses, this initiative works by notifying the public on the safe ways to prevent and control the spread of the virus and it actively works to reduce infection opportunities and curbs the spread of the pandemic virus (Abramson, 2011).

They have built able capacities to cope with the pandemic, measures have been taken and put in place to cope with the virus since helping the society to stay free from the virus (Abramson, 2011).

They have innovated much on early warning and acknowledgments, information about influenza and its impacts to the society are made clear since it is effective for the society to stay free from the influenza virus (Abramson, 2011).

Necessary global scientific researches are being carried out and developments to ensure that vaccines and antiviral drugs are available across the globe mostly during the seasons which the virus is spread. The scientific knowledge enables quick and effective identification of the virus at its initial stages (Abramson, 2011).

Several measures have been put in place to measure the progress of the issue. They include;

The World Health Organization has continuously carried out tests to identify cases of attack by the virus at its early stages that are in one to four days of an individual's exposure to the influenza virus (Tam & Sellwood, 2013).

Materials enlightening the public about the virus and the most convenient ways to stay free from the attack are being developed and provisional with all measures that can help curb and salvage the situation (Tam & Sellwood, 2013).

The current status of the issue based on measures outcomes clarifies that the globe is well up and at a good place to overcome the spread of influenza viruses. This has been made possible by the continuous scientific researchers which develop antiviral drugs and vaccines which are work to stop the spread and impacts of the influenza virus upon the general society (Tam & Sellwood, 2013).


Abramson, J. (2011). Inside the 2009 Influenza Pandemic. World Scientific Publishing Company, 2011.
Tam, J., & Sellwood, C. (2013). Pandemic Influenza. CABI, 2013.
Wang, Q., & Tao, Y. (2010). Molecular Virology. Horizon Scientific Press.

Topic 2 of the essay for group project on influenza



Influenza is a killer flu which has over time been mistaken for any bad cold or even stomach unrest, but it has been developed that the flu infection is the highly infections viral condition which has posed a huge threat to national and international health. It is caused by a preferred hardy virus which can survive for two to eight hours on different surfaces which people get into contact with on daily bases. Such surfaces facilitate the spread of the virus, and it grants sense to health requirement that antiviral hand wash and surface hygiene are key measures to control the spread of influenza (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

Knowledge of the influenza viruses; Influenza seasonal flu was persistent in its seasonal outbreaks, and this led to physicians getting into a deepened research to open upon the flu to both national and international community. Such knowledge is significant in preventing and controlling the spread of the flu, and hence it's an essential implication from influenza (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

Both national and international society has ventured on molecular technology that is aimed at identifying the viral components that produce virulence. On identification of the virulence, frequent targets of the flu will be identified hence production of more effective drugs and vaccines. Adequate knowledge of the virus will lead to its core origin from where health community will effectively come up with practical ways to ultimately end the phenomenon (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

The medical society has grown their capacity to design and manufacture useful vaccines and antiviral drugs to control and prevent flu infection. Seasonal attacks from the flu have led to extensive research on the best vaccines and antiviral drugs which help remedy the disease. Since the flu is easily spread by means of body fluid and body contact, manufacture of antiviral drugs which can be applied by the healthy individuals on their skin to prevent the infection have been found. Where else, viral vaccines for those who are already infected have been developed which are being used to ill and even control the spread (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

Due to the increase in the movement of persons over the recent years, flu has got its way to spread across the international society as there are constant daily interactions between persons. Since the flu is an airborne infection that is easily spread over body fluids from an infected person to a healthy one. A mere contact between one's eyes, mouth and even the nose with body fluid droplets that may come out of the body of an infected person either by sneezing gets one infected too (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

In the United States, the flu results to 200,000 to 2 million deaths because of the severity of its infection. World Health Organization in 2009 stated that influenza or other flu had become a killer pandemic with an estimate of between 151,700 to 575,400 deaths worldwide. Unlike most influenza epidemic deaths occurred in persons with 65 and above years, flu causes death for individuals below the age of 65 years (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

Developing countries are exposed to severe effects of flu as their health facilities are not well equipped to curb the condition; this makes their environments vulnerable to spread the infection. The United States is highly ranked in its relentless fight against influenza due to the high technology that their health bodies have incorporated in their epidemic control and prevention (Schrijver & Koch, 2005).

Schrijver, R., & Koch, G. (2005). Avian Influenza: Prevention and Control. Springer Science & Business Media.

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