
Discuss overall thoughts on conservation canine programs

Assignment task: Introduction to conservation canines:

YouTube Video: Conservation Canines

Problem 1: How can 'self-realization', 'skills and pleasure', 'autonomy and agency' and/or 'self-respect and esteem' be applied to conservation canines? You may find some more/less relevant.

Problem 2: Aside from stronger regulatory oversight, do you have any other suggestions on how conservation canine programs could be improved? More specifically, what else could be done to ensure that dogs involved in this labour would be on the 'enjoyment' side of the suffering-enjoyment continuum? To ensure that the five freedoms of animal welfare are met? To make this a form of 'good' work for animals?

Problem 3: What else can one learn about conservation canines by engaging with these resources? How can this contribute to one's understanding of whether this is a form of 'good' work for animals or a potential site for interspecies solidarity? What are your overall thoughts on conservation canine programs?

Review Post: Unleashing The Superpower Of Dogs

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Reference No:- TGS03235481

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