Problem 1: Discuss any over-arching themes in "Boyhood" and "November."
Problem 2: Discuss the poet's use of repetition in the poem "Boyhood" and the effect it has on.
Problem 3: Identify and analyze the mood evoked in the poem "November." Be prepared to discuss language and other poetic devices that contribute to the poem's atmosphere.
Problem 4: Why does Billy Collins title his poem "November" versus any other month?
Problem 5: Identify and discuss an overarching theme found in the two poems "Blood" and "Knees" by Julia Kasdorf.
Problem 6: How does the imagery in the poem "Blood" further elaborates on or conveys the message of the poem?
Problem 7: There is a compelling contrast made in the last two lines of the poem "Blood." Discuss that contrast.
Problem 8: Explain how Kasdorf's choice of words (diction) in the poem "Knees" affect the reader's experience of the poem.
Problem 9: Of the four poems, which one resonates with you the most or was the most enjoyable to read? Be prepared to explain why.