Discuss origins and development of Austro-Marxism in the context of social transformation and intellectual life in the Hapsburg Empire.
Project description:
Discuss origins and development of Austro-Marxism in the context of social transformation and intellectual life in the Hapsburg Empire.
• Essays are written to explain a process, examine something, or argue for or against a point
• Introduction:
• Your chance to capture your reader’s attention and interest
• State the main idea or topic
• The opening paragraph of your essay may contain
– a quotation
– a (mission) statement
– a proposition
– a claim
• Remember the adage, “You’ll never get another chance to make a good first impression.”
• The sophistication of your approach is important
Main part:
• mobilize evidence to support most pertinent aspects of chosen topic
• Include ideas to support your chosen topic
• Provide specific and interesting details (common, different, typical)
• Look for examples
• Develop argument by giving reasons or evidence for accepting a particular conclusion
• Begin each new paragraph with a transition phrase or sentence to link it to previous paragraph
• provides an opportunity to
– evaluate the significance of your essay
– reemphasize the main points
– bring logical closure to the full scope of your ideas
– offer a solution
• summarize the main points
• refer to your introduction
• include something to encourage the reader to continue thinking about your topic
• end with a bang, not with a whimper (i.e. save a provocative, unexpected, or exciting insight or quotation for your conclusion)