
Discuss one or two ways that streaming music has changed

Revise the two (2) emails below to remove problematic content and help these students construct polite, effective email messages instead.

Scenario 1:

Susan is unhappy with her grade in her college class. She wants to clarify what she can do to improve in the course. She also feels like venting her frustrations to her professor due to the many hours she is spending studying and writing papers (which may or may not be a good idea).

She decides to email her professor; however, before she hits SEND, she asks you, her friend, to take a look at the email.
Reading the email, you note a lack of civility, polarizing language, and other unethical language (given the context). Help Susan rewrite her email, so she can express her concerns over her poor grade politely and ask for help from the professor.

Susan's Email:

(No greeting) I want to know why my grade was so bad. I spent hours finding sources and writing that paper and it was graded unfair. My friend wrote her paper the night before it was due and got a better grade. I know most professors grade hard but this is ridiculous. I felt good when I submitted the paper but now I feel like crap. I guess I am going to fail. (No closing)

Scenario 2:

Don is worried about passing his college class due to some low grades. He wants to ask his professor for help to pass the class. He decides to email his professor; however, before he hits SEND, he decides to ask you, his friend, to take a look at the email.

Reading the email, you note a lack of civility, poor manners, and poor grammar in Don's email. Help Don rewrite the email, so he can express his concerns and appropriately seek help from the professor.
Don's Email:

(No greeting) Yo teach. I dunno no way to pass this class. What I gotta do to pass? (No closing)


1. Create two (2) new email messages of one to two (1-2) paragraphs each for a total of two to four (2-4) paragraphs.

2. Create an appropriate greeting and closing for each email.

3. Target the appropriate professional audience.

4. Use appropriate language for professional audience.

5. Use appropriate email formatting.

6. Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication.

Professionalism" Please respond to the following:

• You had lunch with your supervisor on two separate occasions in which she shared some personal issues with you she is facing. However, when you are in the office she speaks to you in a way that you find extremely disrespectful, both in front of other employees and when it's just the two of you.

• What type of work relationship will allow you to maintain professionalism with her without jeopardizing your job, and why? Choose one of the following:

o Supervisor - Subordinate (involves two people with one person who's the authority over the other)

o Mentor - Mentee (one person guides and helps the other navigate toward career goals)

o Peer - Co-worker (Two people with no authority over the other)

"Survival of the Music Industry" Please respond to the following:

• Discuss one or two ways that streaming music has changed the way music is distributed in the world. Comment on whether this approach is beneficial or harmful for musicians.

Write a 3/4 to 1 page journal entry (300 to 500 words) in which you:

1. Predict one or two (1-2) ways people will obtain music if CD production were to be stopped completely.

2. Complete the page requirement.

3. Write with clarity, following mechanics and formatting requirements.

The specific course learning outcome(s) associated with this assignment are:

• Apply critical thinking skills to the analysis of issues involving mass media and society.

• Analyze various issues affecting the media business.

• Evaluate the effects of the digital information expansion / explosion on society

• Write clearly and concisely about media and society using proper writing mechanics.

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Dissertation: Discuss one or two ways that streaming music has changed
Reference No:- TGS02881833

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